Phonak TVLink II only get sound in one ear

Have un-paired and re-paired. Was working great before we took to Costco and they “adjusted” due to feedback. Ambient noise is OK in both aids. This is a backup pair I use when my “good” ones are in for repair/replacement. Any Suggestions?

Did you have the TVLink II registered with that backup pair of aids? Not sure it should be necessary, but when I bought my first Phonak TV Connector (before their V2 even) I think the audi had to register that device with my aids.

The fact that you’re getting audio in ONE ear only seems to indicate SOME kind of malfunction - either in the actual backup pair of aids or the TV Link II.

Try calling Phonak Tech Support!

TV Link uses the Phonak Compilot system for hearing aids like the Venture Range. It has to be “enabled” by the audiologist, as does telecoil.

Am I assuming you’re wearing the Compilot Neckloop or Compilot Air?

I found, with the Compilot Air, that the positioning of it was important.

Maybe one aid isn’t enabled, or just maybe it’s faulty


Thank you! Since the audiologist adjusted the HA prior to it not working this is probably the answer! Worked fine before the trip to Costco, didn’t work when we came home. I will take them back and see if they forgot to re-enable it!

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Thank you for your reply. They are registered and both aids were previously working fine. I will use the link you provided to contact Phonak.