Phonak TVLink II dropping signal

Hi everyone,
My problem is this : TV link 2 connects to my compilot2 but after about 5mins of streaming get a beeping noise in my hearing-aids and signal drops. Any help much appreciated. Carl.

That sounds like a low battery warning. If that’s not it then something is wrong. If your phone has a notification sound for text messages or emails or a hundred other things, it takes priority over TV link 2. Mine will stop the tv link 2 signal for a notification, even if i dont actually hear the notification tone, but in a moment the tv signal comes back.

Also, I have accidently hit the front button of the Compilot 2 several times.

Your subject says “pairing”. I don’t think it has anything to do with that. They are obviously paired.

Hi Don, thank you for the reply. I’ve been reading the manual and I agree with you that it’s not a pairing issue, as compilot, phone and remote mic all pair and work beautifully.

There is an orange light on the back of the TV link2 it’s flashing and according to the manual this light should be solid if its picking up an audio signal otherwise tv link will disconnect after 5minutes of use. Have tried all the different cables and connection methods no joy :joy: still cuts out I’m stumped!!!

So it’s not getting audio from the sound source? I did have a problem with that until I changed the sound source to PCM only, no Dolby or DTS.

No no sound from sound source when using optical, TV or coaxial cables decided to try headphone jack cable and hey presto it works.

Thank you for your help Don.

I had the same problem with my Samsung TV. Tried every setting in the TV. In the end I reset the audio settings on the TV and since then the optical output works without a hitch.
(I rather not use the output jack, since it silences the speakers. Also now my family and me have different volume controls. Very nice. )

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My TV is made by Hisense, not 100% sure how to set audio on TV will have to do bit of research.

At the moment using the output jack is OK for me as I’m the only person who watches the TV in the room where the TV link is set up.
When I have more time I will try what you have suggested Markismus. Thank you

Yay did what you suggested Markismus all working fine now thank you so much for the help.

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I’m following bc I am having the same issue. Not only that but I never could hear the TV stream directly into my hearing aids. Paired and everything.

Have you got the volume high enough? mine is a different make but it has to receive a strong enough signal from the tv to stream

@shanweidman As the response if kimUK indicated, your question is rather sparse with info. :slight_smile:

If you want us to guess what is the problem and post solutions for our guesses, than your on the right track. Otherwise you might give us some info such as:
What kind of audio outputs does your TV have?
What kind of connections (optical, jack) with the TV have you tried?
Does it work for another gadget such as the the audio output of your computer or your mobile?
Does the bluetooth speaker function of your TV work directly with your ComPilot or not?
Have you reset the audio settings of your TV?