Phonak TV connector not working with new Audeo L-RL aids

Hmmm, maybe there is something to this. My VA audiologist is 120 miles away and it takes weeks or months for appointments, but I can write to her if no solution is found here.

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First thing I tried was pressing the volume button on the TV Connector, but no luck.

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Whatā€™s the exact make and model of the tv? In those optical settings, there might be some sound settings like Dolby or Atmos or whatever. Just have it on Dolby. Do you have a whole sound system or just the tv speakers?
I subscribe to a tv service (yā€™know, old school :slight_smile: ) that uses itā€™s own box (set top box - stb). The tv has a usb port. So when Iā€™m done listening, I turn off the stb then turn off the Connector then turn off the tv. That way if the tv gets used when Iā€™m not listening then it doesnā€™t come blaring into my ears. So then I turn on the Connector when I want to listen that way.

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If the TV Connector was correctly connected to the aids, it would show up in the app


The PCM setting on the TV audio was the answer on the older phonak aids. I am not sure about the latest model.
Maybe doing a Google search for PCM and your TV model number will help.

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I think itā€™s the Connector version that needs PCM or Dolby. The V2 will do Dolby. The V1 did not so the tv had to be on PCM.
AFAIR (is that the right acronym?) anyway.


That makes sense, as my TV Connector is V1.

On another note, none of my TVs have Dolby. As a result, I only get a mono feed on both my Roger Select and Roger On, although itā€™s stereo with the TV Connector

Took a look at our very new LG sound settings.
It is set on digital auto. In that setting it says if there is no sound to use auto or PCM.

I use a Cochlear (Resound) TV streamer.

The TV is also in Dolby auto.

It sounds to me that the problem is between the TV and the Connector, as the aids are clearly paired, and the Connector doesnā€™t appear in the app.

Maybe the V2 is downward compatible. I just looked at my set up and it turns out it was on PCM! I changed it to Dolby Digital and it keeps working. Maybe it was a sound problem of compacting surround sound down to stereo whereas PCM would not. (if Iā€™m thinking of this correctly) Iā€™ll have to see how it sounds when Iā€™m watching next time.

So, it sounds like you have a TV program set up in Target, as manual. To activate that you can use the MyPhonak app and choose that TV + Mics program (just like you would any other program, like Automatic), or, if your hearing aids are set up for program changes, you can press (long press) the button on yours. For mine it is long press (about 3 seconds) volume up, and it changes programs.

About the MyPhonak app, if the tv transmitter is not powered on, or if it is not set up in your hearing aids, it will not show up in the app.

You know how there is a chirp pattern for every program? The chirp pattern for the TV transmitter is one medium chirp, one higher pitch chirp. If you hear that, then the transmitter and hearing-aids are talking so the issue is somewhere else.

I seem to think that the number of chirps is the program number. One chirp for the first program, two chirps etc. and it depends on which program slot the Connector is set on. My set up does not have a program slot for the Connector. It just connects. iirc (thatā€™s the acronym I wanted earlier :slight_smile: )

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Yeah, maybe thats it.

I dont see the TV + mics program in the app, until im connected to the transmitter. Then i can select another program and select back to the TV + mics using the app, or cycle through my programs on my hearing aids.

Getting some good members help here.
You donā€™t need the app to use the TV streamer.

When the TV is on and the streamer is lit up like itā€™s getting a signal, try using your aids toggle button to step through the programs. Your aids just might be set up to manually stream from the TV connector.

Thatā€™s is correct. You donā€™t need the app to connect to the TV and itā€™s set to automatic. I use the app if l want to turn off the hearing aid microphone to help prolong battery life while watching TV.

PROBLEM SOLVED! Thanks to Peter, the retired rocker in the UK, the problem was I did not have a program choice on the app called ā€œTV Connector + mic.ā€ I deleted and reinstalled the two Phonak apps, re-paired my aids, and, Voila, this program choice appeared. What a wonderful forum this is. In 24 hours my knotty problem was solved with so many contributions and sincere concern to help me out. Thanks to all of you good people who responded. There is a happy old dude in rural Wisconsin.


I remember one of my first ā€œwow momentsā€ on the early days of the internet (guess at about 1988). I was using a Commodore Amiga 1200, and had connected to the very new World Wide Web via Compuserve. I lived in a very rural area in the UK, and hadnā€™t ruined my hearing at that point. I was struggling on getting some software to work, and nobody locally would even know what I was talking about. So, I posted a question on the Compuserve forum.

I got a reply from Albuquerque, New Mexico within minutes which solved the issue! I was astounded. What we get now is often taken for granted.

This forum, in my opinion, is the best Iā€™ve seen on hearing loss. Iā€™ve been helped so much too.

So glad itā€™s sorted.



I was an early user of CompuServe and had no computer!
My first employer had a teletype printer with a modem that wasnā€™t working. I took it home and fixed it. I put out tons of computer paper. Lol


Glad you solved your problem, Tom. Since your TV-streamer was showing the green light it was getting an OK audio signal (always the first thing I look at when no sound)- so no need to fiddle with your TV output then. It was clear from the beginning that the problem was downstream.