WH thank you for your thoughts. I will keep trying
I have both the older Roger and the TV Connector. The Roger seems to distort the sound a little. The current TV Connector is designed for one room and if I walk down the hall from it, I will lose the sound. The older TV units covered the entire house. I’m not sure why they went backwards.
I have two of the v2 TV Connectors. One on the stereo receiver hooked up to the TV in my media room and another on the stereo receiver hooked up to my office PC. Both work really well for me.
My audiologist gave me a TV connector and it was a life changer. I don’t have a TV, but I could never turn the volume on my computer high enough. With TV Connector I can easily put the volume at just the right setting, and the clarity is fantastic with the sound going right into my Marvel hearing aids.
Assumedly your TV has optical output and that’s how the TV Connector receives the audio. My TV still provides audio to the internal speaker when the optical is active, but yours apparently does not. If that’s what’s happening, get an optical splitter and connect the other port to a sound bar or surround sound speaker system. My wife and I both have Phonak HAs and listen together via the TV Connector. However, I always leave the TV internal speaker up at a low level in case something comes in on my phone (like a text) and the phone’s alert signal overrides the program audio feed from the TV Connector in my HAs. That way I don’t lose the continuity of the program until the HAs recover from the alert.
A bit of a Necro post here, but I have the TV Connector and have just installed Roger X into both NHS Nathos Novas (v3 L, v2 R). The TV Connector is Loud, Clear and in full stereo. The Roger On (via base station and same optical audio cable) is much quiter, less clear, a bit distorted and surprisingly in mono. There is no comparison.
I much prefer my Roger as I have 02 so I can up the EasyGain in the Roger Receivers / Licenses.
The Roger works all around my house where the TV Connector range is really short.
I also have a very bad left ear so I only wear a Roger on my right but the TV Connector couldn’t go to one ear only, which annoyed the hell out of me.
I use my Roger On with a base station audio cable jacked to an ipod very often and get full stereo. Something isn’t right there. I’ve used it with toslink cabling, and it was stereo too, but haven’t done that in about a year. Check your cable connections.
I use both. One TV Connector 2 for the TV, and one linked to my iMac. I have also tried my Roger Select iN with the TV, but have found the TV Connector vastly superior in sound quality.
As you have the Select and 1 x 02, you could increase the EasyGain with the Select for the 02 License to see if that helps you better?
@Zebras Not sure I understand this … I have the 03 receivers in my Marvels for the Select iN and ON. And how do I adjust EasyGain … is that through Target? Thx.
Oh sorry, I thought when you said V2 in one ear and V3 in the other. You had 02 in one ear and 03 in the other?
You can increase the gain within the 02 ones with the Select. Don’t need Target at all for the Roger Licenses and adjusting the 02 EasyGain.
No, I just have two TV Connectors (version 2.0), and only 03 receivers for the Roger in my Marvels. I just find the TV Connector sound much better than streaming with the Select.
But thank you for the fitting guide pdf!
This is all trial and error for me, initially trying to keep costs down, but also to provide a Roger solution for 2 sets of NHS hearing aids.
One thing I’ve found today is mixing 02 & 03 via my NHS Roger Direct HA’s hasn’t worked as I’d hoped.
No stereo sound via base station TV connection
My HA’s would not switch programs, without rebooting them.
I’ve taken both licenses out, and installed the 02 in the other ear. Prigrams now switch ok.
@PeterH Moral of the story, don’t wix und mach potatoe
Thank you, didn’t know that.
I thought that. All good.
I saw your PDF on Roger Select. I can’t see a similar adjustment on the Roger On.
Hey no worries. I do that all the time …
There isn’t I’m afraid.
It’s just the Select, Touchscreen or Inspiro that can adjust the Gain.
…another thing I noticed was terrible latency… far worse than the neckloop. I guess this incompatibility causes more processing???