Phonak Target software download new

Would anyone be kind enough to share the target software? My computer crashed :frowning: Thank you

Hi there, sure no problem, I keep a bunch of stuff on a flash drive just in case things like this happen.

Hi All. Phonak Target is on piratebay torrents. it is an old version - 5.something but you should be able to update it to the latest. That’s what I have done. I am now at version 8.something. Don’t know how long it will remain there, get it while you can. I am sure that there are plenty of good audiologists out there but I just can’t afford them. On my 4th set of phonaks in about 5 years and I have paid less than half for all of them combined than what the person who sold me my last pair paid for theirs. (P70s) I imagine that a good audiologist could tweak mine better than what I have done, but I would have to drive 2 hours to get one that I might trust.

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No please don’t use spambay/torrents for this, there’s no need at all, plenty of us on the forum willing to help out with this, you won’t be able update from 5 to the latest anyway.

Whatever works for you. There are experts everywhere.

Sure, but my point is that we shouldn’t promote something that isn’t a suitable solution for most.

Can you point me to some, I wouldn’t expect experts to use PirateBay (spammers paradise)


Hello! I found this thread via Google. I’m also interested in having a copy of Phonak Tracker. Could you PM me the download link, please?

Hi all,
found this Page via a German Hearing Loss Forum.
Meanwhile I´m in another Testing-Session struggeling with my AUD to find a right Finetune for my Phonak Naida P70.
So i´m interested in DIY, ordered a NOAH Wireless Programming Device, but need the Phonak Target Software for that.

Is anybody able to share the latest Version of Phonak´s Target?

Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the forum, sure you mean Phonak target no doubt, well don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects.
What models are you using at the moment?

Check out the target user guide as well.

Welcome to the forum, sure but it’s a Noahlink wireless programming device your after and not NOAH wireless, don’t forget to check out the target user guide as well.

Hello there. Looking for the Phonak Target software download. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects, what are the exact model you have?

Could someone share the Phonak Target link with me please? I have a Noahlink and have used it before, but my SSD went out on my PC so I’m having to reinstall it.


Hi there, oh bummer that’s not good, but you can keep a copy on a a flash drive for future reference.

Hi all, could someone please send me link to Phonak Target download? I already have Noahlink Wireless. Looking to tweak settings for Phonak Audeo Lumity P90-RL. Thanks in advance!

Hi there, sounds like your pretty much ready for DIY , check out the target user guide as well.

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Hey everyone! New to the forum, and excited to read through. I am looking for the software to download. I am pretty sure my audiologist doesn’t know how the program works, or understands my hearing needs. Actually i have Phonak P90. Please help! Thank you

Welcome to the forum sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.

Check out the target user guide as well.

Hi, I have a pair of Phonak Naida P50. Could I get some help in getting the Phonak Target software for it? Thanks!

Welcome to the forum sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.

Check out the target user guide as well as it’s quite handy.

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