Phonak Target software download new

Thanks for your help.

Hi all!
New member here with Phonak Life 90. Just ordered the “Noahlink Wireless” and I would like to download the Target software.
So, help is as always appreciated!

Thank you very much for the help!

Hello , I have Phonak Audeo Marvel 90R. Need the latest Phonak Target software. Any help please?

best regards

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects, plus do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

  1. I’d appreciate link to a recent Target version, thanks in advance. I already have Noahlink.

  2. While not on topic, if possible cna you provide forum link: RE whereTarget stores its session data so that once I install Target on a different PC, I will have all of my sessions and notes from older PC.

Thanks so much for cutting my learning curve.

Edit to add: I did find this thread about transferring data and hope it is up to date:

Sure it’s available, and yes it’s that simple, just export the files and on the new PC use the import feature of target. I always export to my desktop, because it’s easy to find, and then to your flash drive, now you got 2 backups!
Great you giving DIY a go, it’s not that hard anyway.
Good luck.


Thanks @tenkan On my soon to be older (nearly defunct laptop) I am using Target 7.1.11. Can I use the update to 9.05 to bring that software upto most recent version?

EDIT I was able to update from 7.1.11 to Target 9 using the downloaded update from with in the old Target software.

Thanks for all of your help and knowledge, you’re the kind of forum meber that makes this an invaluable resource, very grateful.


Great you got it sorted, anything else just ask or post a new topic in DIY forum, plenty of us doing DIY now as well.


If you originally loaded the Target software from a disk, I would suggest copying the installation program to a thumb drive, and an external hard drive if you have one. Then store the thumb drive in another location just in case. It’s not like you can just go online and download it, Phonak really doesn’t want anyone outside of their providers to have it.

Computers with CD & DVD drives are going away. When I switched to my new Windows 11 compatible laptop, I put the old one away while it is still working incase I ever needed to get data off a disk.

It’s also a good idea to periodically click on the update button in Target to get the latest version.

Anyway I am glad that you have everything under control and are a happy DIY guy.


I have a Phonak Paradise HA. Would you like to go into DIYing. Is there a link to get Phonak target?


Hi there, sure it’s available, but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless for your DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

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Hi. I was looking for a link for Target 7x or better if available.

Hi there, sure, do you have you programming device, as you’ll need this for any DIY projects.

Thanks. Yes I have the hardware.

Great, you’ll be up and running in no time then.

Hi there,

I have been reading through this forum for a while now, and it seems really promising but I could not find a link to the fitting software. My father used to be able to program his hearing aids (Audeo B90-312t) with the Target 5.2 software. Unfortunately, he deleted his copy and we are unable to find a link or something to download and re-install the software. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.


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Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, you could still use a later version on the Belong platform.

need signia pc softwear

Could someone hit me up with a version of target,my win 7 won’t take Target so need to install on win 10 puter.
Thanks in advance.