Phonak Target setup Roger On IN

Hey :slight_smile:

I’m coming to you with a question because I want to set up Roger On IN.

  1. So I have Phonak Lumity 90 UP and I have Phonak Target. Can I configure my Roger receiver once connected to it so that I can hear its sounds? I admit that now I’m configuring blindly, so it’s difficult and tedious because I don’t know if I chose the right sounds. Currently, I have the impression that this Roger On In helps me very little… although he did a really good job in the Paradise 90 UP! In L-90 UP I have the impression that Roger on IN doesn’t help me much… which is a pity, because I know how much he helped me in P-90 UP

  2. Speech in noise, speech in loud noise, speech in a car - should the noise be silenced? With the P-90 UP I could barely hear speech in noise because it muted the speech and surroundings so much, but using Roger On IN I could hear really well speak. Share your experiences with hearing in noise

PS. I have the impression that the L-90 UP are much clearer than the P-90 UP but I still need to configure

Good hearing,

Setting up your Roger On iN, doesn’t need Target software at all, unless you want to adjust the Roger program.

It won’t be silenced but it should be reduced.

I find background noise with NAL 1, very muted.

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I have to manually configure it because I couldn’t hear well after connecting Roger In to my hearing aids :confused: I have very severe hearing loss and often the usual settings don’t work for me. What did you mean? How could I configure it?

Thank you :blush:

you can configure the Roger streaming programm , see pictures


Thank you for fast answer. This is how I configure it, but can I connect roger to hearing aids and phonak target during configuration so that I can have a real preview of the voice?

no, that is not possible.

Do you have the Roger settings from your P90 , then you can make screenshot photos and dublicate/copy the settings to the L90 programming

I tried :wink: Unfortunately, the difference in hearing is huge and the settings from the P-90 simply do not work. :smiley:

Thank you,
Good hear

Don’t forget that you have some adjustments in the app and the my roger app.

I understand what you mean now.

You want to adjust your Roger program.

Just click on the Roger program in the software and adjust like you do with the other programs.