Phonak Target latest version download

Hello, I recently obtained a link to download Resound SmartFit. I have played with it for some time, and now I would like to compare it to Phonak Target, So, if possible, please send me a link for downloading Target.

Hi there, great your willing to compare the difference between models, I’m guessing you don’t use HAs as yet? But anyways as before do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for how target work.

Thank you for a very rapid response!

Actually I am in a trial period for Resound Nexia right now. My other option will be Phonak Lumity. Thus, if i will need to self-fit my hearing aid, the fitting program is an important factor in my decicion on which aid to choose. By the way, do you have any thoughts on these two aids?

Ha I certainly do, I’m biased I use ReSound and Signia, I used to be a Phonak user for a long while but when I tried the ReSound I couldn’t believe the difference between them, autosence is a bug bear for me, I don’t like it, the way it is constantly changing the program (depending on the environment) when it sees fit to do so, if offen got it wrong for me anyway, but you’ll be the judge on which one you decide is better for you, trial period is important, I wouldn’t choose HAs based on how good or not the software is, lots of other important things to consider, like right now on a few posts member’s are debating how good or bad streaming is, most are unhappy and it doesn’t matter which brand, pros and cons on all of them.

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Thank you very much for your input. I am a first time user, so I am greatful for opinions from experienced users. I agree that fitting software should not be a deciding factor, but I am not sure that my audiologist will get it right. So I look into what can be done if I end up to have to do it myself.

As regards streaming I have come to the same cnoclusion. No hearing aid is good. They all focus on speach in background noise. I use airpods pro 2 for streaming music. It is especially good on my iphone, where I colud configure it to take care of my audiogram. On my mac they do not compensate for my hearing loss, but are still acceptabe.

could someone also send me a link for phonak target 9 please?

Hi there, hey great your giving DIY a go, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.