Phonak Target adjust overall gain/volume for BT+MIC mode?

Extreme novice with Target and HAs in general. So probably a dumb question.
I’ve only done 4 or 5 sessions in Target, adjusting basics. And I apologize that I dont know the correct verbage…
I would like to lower the default volume (or overall gain?) only in Bluetooth streaming (either BT+MIC1 or BT+MIC2). Is this possible? without lowering the aids’ volume for everything?
Currently when I stream something either from phone, watch or tablet the audio starts out too loud overall. So i end up opening the MyPhonak app and having to adjust the main volume down by 4 steps. I’d like to have it default to this level to start with.
What would I change?

When you go into to Target, they list of all my programs on the left. I click on which ever program I want to adjust and that means it’ll only adjust the one program.

My Phonak’s don’t have Bluetooth but I can’t see it being any different.

I can see the programs and select them, but then I dont see one overall gain/volume setting??

High light all these numbers (G numbers) and lower by either 1 dB or 3 dB steps. Then high light the MPO numbers and do the same. Make sure you do both ears. On the left of the picture, you see a double arrow and a single arrow. The double arrow lowers by 3 dB each click and the single arrow lowers by 1 dB each click. You can also raise by 1 dB and 3 dB as well.

Thanks. Between your response and an hour of reading HA Fitting Guides I have a basic idea of how it works.

One question, in my case where I am just trying to adjust the overall volume for a specific program- could I just lower the MPO and leave the G30/50/80 values as is? Or would that cause a conflict?

Best not to do it that way, lower the correct values as @Zebras has mentioned, leave the MPO for what it’s designed for, Maximum Power Output, for Bluetooth you want your “headroom” so to speak.

When I’m in that menu should I select the button for “20” to open all the G values for all 20 channels and adjust them all at once? I assume I dont want to just adjust 3 channels leaving the others at higher levels. correct?

No, no need to do that, all gain handles will be adjusted regardless, just use the lowest for now, and go with that, you can use the the 20 gain handles when you know exactly what frequency you want to adjust, for now just experiment for the volume you you want on Bluetooth, as you get a bit more experience there’s lots of other things you can adjust.
(Like you can look in global settings to change overall volume, plus you could try the 80- 90- 100% volume settings for this as well, all later tho) some find it easier to do this way, others not so much.

Won’t that change all programs and lower the volume? Think the OP is happy with all other programs apart from the Bluetooth program that is too loud.

Even tho I’ve been using Target since 2011, I still learn from the forum everyday.

Can you explain more on this please. What will the headroom allow the OP to do? I wonder if that’ll also help me?

As I say, I still learn from this forum.

Yes your right, this is why I mentioned at a later date he could try this, not to do it now.

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Oh sorry maybe not the right choice of words, I meant as in dynamic range for music in bluetooth (not so much for Bluetooth on calls) and his music program, don’t want to get distortion or input-clipping of louder sounds especially in music, from memory I had totally different bluetooth settings for music and calls.

That makes more sense. Thank you.

I tried. adjusted both Gs and MPO down by 3 steps for the following programs under AutoSense Streaming-

BT Media + MIC
BT Music + MIC

Saved to P90s. Tried streaming music and no change to volume. Returned to the original values and saved back to the aids. So im back to my starting point.

On my phone on the MyPhonak app when Im listening to the stream it shows as BT+MIC1 or BT_MIC2.

Am I adjusting the right program?

Might be the Phone Call + Mic?

Hopefully someone will come a long that actually has the P90 as my Phonak’s don’t have Bluetooth.

If you change the settings in the software, it definitely will make the required changes in that program. Try 9 steps to be sure.

Something’s not right, can you show a screen shot of what your doing when you go to save to your HAs

There’s only the streaming program’s offered in target, so did you try the phone program as @Zebras mentioned, just to see if your phone volume was able to be changed within target?

You peaked my curiosity @Zebras.
I tried it in Target. Actually, for streaming it needs to be changed in AutoSense Media music + mic. But I couldn’t find out what difference is between Media speech + mic and Media music + mic.

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I wonder what the streaming Phone Call + Mic is?


I noticed the lower frequencies are boosted in the music + mic which makes sense, as you want the bass.

@Zebras: I also tried it now. Streaming Phone call + mic seems to be for (cell-)phone calls.
@tenkan : Yes that’s what I boosted even more for me to get more bass.