Phonak Target 7.3.1 Volume Behavior

Either put your phone on vibrate and/or get a smartwatch that vibrates. I have both set, no audible sound from my phone (don’t need them). I’m running iPhone 13 Pro with an Apple watch.

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0dB should work as @zebras recommended. Make sure you set it in the right program: Autosense 4.0 → media speech + mic or → media music + mic.
Not in phone call + mic!

Be aware that any tone, no matter how short, will switch the HA to streaming mode for about 2-3 sec.

Like @BrBarry I also set the phone so that it sends absolutely no sound notifications. Only vibrations to the wristwatch. I prefer the mic slightly muted while streaming.
But that’s up to you of course.

Maybe it helps if you enable mute function in device options. Long-press down to activate. It’s easier to handle, because you don’t have to switch to a separate program circumstantially.
I often use it when it’s extremely loud or when streaming. It does turn down both mics equally at the same time.

Hope this helps!

I guess another reason why it might sound different (in terms of reduction in gain) is because of the gain settings between the AutoSense Streaming programs and AutoSense Automatic programs.

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I just tried it and can confirm: you are right @Zebras this could also be the reason for a change of loudness when autosense switches to streaming programs.
@jte make sure, you have more or less similar overall gains. Reduce the loudness of the phone with its buttons instead. If it streams too loud.

I have the Autosense OS 4.0 disabled. So I am assuming the Autosense OS 4.0 (steaming) is disabled too? Not entirely clear. I assumed the entire automatic program tab is disabled. If that’s true, then that leaves me with partnermic + mic, phone call + mic and rogerdirect + mic…

I don’t care for the auto sense, I don’t want my hearing aids scanning thru 4 programs simultaneously according to my surroundings, it’s too distracting and gives me a headache. I am instead just running a calm situation and phone via t-coil + mic programs.

So I’m unclear if partnermic + mic, phone call + mic or Rogerdirect + mic is my streaming program for text message alerts, phone calls, music, etc

I can’t see that being true if you can still listen to music via your phone / Bluetooth / Paradise Aids.

AutoSense Streaming is for music / audio etc.

Phone Call is for phone calls.

As I said it only disables the four programs, not Bluetooth media streaming etc!!

AutoSense Media Streaming is also used for the TV Connector!

yeah I’m not real clear if the autosense and autosense (streaming) running together or independently… because when i select the mic under autosense streaming like you said, nothing changes. So i’m confused whats actually running and not

I don’t watch TV so I don’t want to connect that. I just want a calm program, the ability to stream music, get alerts from my phone and stream phone calls. I’ll mess around more today and see if I cant figure it out

Well click on AutoSense 4.0 (streaming) and then click on program options, it’ll say media streaming activation, automatic if it’s still functioning.

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They are independent. One auto changes to your environment, the other auto changes by what you connect

ok i like that idea, can i delete the other programs under autosense so its only a calm program?

yeah I see that. I guess you can grant access to select ones… Also when i copy settings from my calm1 program to other programs its doing something similar, not entirely copying. whats up with that? why can’t it just do a straight copy?

You’ll have to do it manually.

oh ok, looks like I have my day cut out for me then.

that would be nice because its really difficult to enter it manually without the numbers doing what they want. i dont think i could do a 100% copy.

You can easily see in the MyPhonak-App which program is currently running:


While streaming:

I’m not running autosense so it doesn’t show. It’s really only an issue when I’m scrolling thru my newsfeed and a video connects to Bluetooth, or website with a video and connects to Bluetooth, or I receive a text message, email or another alert. Like you said there’s a 2-3 lapse of connection and 2-3 laps of disconnection when the volume reduces which if that happens while I am talking to someone, sometimes it ends up being like 10 seconds all together, or when the video stops making connection to Bluetooth.

The mic adjustment isn’t changing anything. The onlything I notice with the much adjustment it seems like my overall gains are higher, uncomfortable.

I did however copy my fine tuning gains and that seems to have helped. I will know more upon trolling the news feed, receiving text messages and other alerts. I did reduce the mic back to the factory -6db.