Phonak Spice

Phonak AU sent out invites for the launch starting 12 November weeks ago, so maybe your aud doesn’t read their mail? They can apparently order from the 12th.

I found this Phonak presentation from EUHA on the web. It’s dated October 13.

I don’t know if anyone has seen this yet, but it explains a lot of the new features better than other things I’ve read. One thing I’m still unclear on though is the difference between Ambra and Audeo S. From the charts, it looks like the Audeo S IX-series has all of the new features that the Ambra has including Stereo Zoom, Auto-Zoom Control, and Flex Control. So is the Ambra just larger and more powerful for people with a more severe hearing loss?

What is the meaning of CRT in the Sonova presentation?

Canal Receiver Technology.=A speaker hooked to a wire that sits in the ear canal.

The Phonak rep is demoing the Spice hearing aids to my audiologist next week. I will place an order for the new aids as soon as Phonak will take it. I will let you know when that is.

Hearnow - Thanks for that information. I will discuss it with my Audie today.

Unitron calls it speech enhancement…

I am about 10 days into a demo of the Exelia Art, and I got a call from my audi offering a chance to demo the Ambra.

She said I should have them next week. I didn’t think they would be in the states so soon.

You seem to be on a bit of a warpath. I made no mention of anything revolutionary and only used the term new to describe their new platform (which it is). No mention of wireless syncronization or any comment about Oticon was made in my post (excepting what I quoted from the other poster).

I had an appointment with my Audie yesterday and she did inform me that the new Phonak Aids were due for release in Australia on 12th November but she said that she had been told that no one knew at Phonak whether the Ambra was even coming to Australia - does this make sense?

All the new devices inclyding the Ambra are being launched in AU on the 12th. I asked them initially over 1 month ago and it was confirmed. Maybe your aud wasn’t asking the right people or the right questions?

Looks like my initial assertion was accurate. They’ve cracked a ‘holy grail’ of hearing aid development. Don’t take anything away from it, it’s a big step foward. Only concern would be having a client who is willing to click away at the programs until they find the correct zoom for the situation they are in.

Don’t be down on it because it’s not an Oticon, sometimes you have to acknowledge genuine acheivement even when it happens against your brand/team/company.

The instrument is doom if the client has to cycle through the programs to make it work.
The jury still out…

The instrument is doom if the client has to cycle through the programs to make it work.
The jury still out…

Sorry, no it’s not.

Try the new Phonaks … your doubts will vanish.

Also: the UK is the launch country so other countries may launch somewhat later.

I called Phonak U.S. today and they said the Ambra and the Audeo S are available for order in the United States. Training is being setup now for audiologists.

I also asked if the iCom was getting an upgraded. They said it was upgraded when the TV Link came out and there are no current plans for another upgrade. Anyone who has an old iCom can have the upgrade installed when brought in for a repair.

Thanks, Stratuscom. Excellent info!

My audi has ordered me a pair of the Audeo Smart S IX’s and I go back in two weeks for a fitting. He had just gotten the new Target software and wanted to have some time to get used to the new interface before fitting me. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they can do!

The North American reps were in Chicago this week for meetings about new products etc. according to my Audi. His Rep says the Spice HI’s are amazing.

the rep would never say its crap… I take the word from Um bongo, Zonor and english dispenser *and the other audis -here in that the instrument is good.

I’ll let you know what I think of them in a few weeks. My audi has fit one pair already and he said the patient was amazed at the StereoZoom.