Phonak Spice

MMMMMMMM I was told by Audie that Phonak haven’t released Target 2.0 in Australia as yet and probably won’t.

Of course Target 2.0 will be released in Australia.

Why wouldn’t it be?

I know that it will be released - but some people like my Audie don’t like being told anything. Bit sad really.

If she did her job properly and kept herself up to date, she wouldn’t have to be told anything!!

I wish there was a “Like” button.

My audi’s a nice gal, but she keeps telling me I have unrealistic expectations. If expecting to not have a loud roaring hiss in my aided ear, or expecting to not have the sound compress down so far that I can’t hear anyone speaking in a crowded room is unrealistic, then yes, I have unrealistic expectations. I’m not expecting super spy clarity, but seriously…

Can i test receivers on smart s by swaping left and right one?

Ask her if she is expecting to be paid in full …

yes. do you know how to take them off???

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I saw a video somewhere on phonak site. Remove pin and pull out.

Yes if it’s an older RIC. If it’s within the past year, the pin just pushes off to the side and the receiver should come right out…the pin doesn’t come all the way out though. Don’t want you to break it!!! Good luck!

Hmm… Its Ceramic smart S9 and pin did come out. What is changed? on case or on receiver itself?
Its good to know how test receiver.
Anyway, its not receiver. Its either cold, or further ear damage on concert or right aid goin crazy. Mine “a” is lot softer on right - not in balance (low freq).

Ooo…never fit a Ceramic one so I don’t know if they are different…sorry.

If it’s not the reciever it could me the mic. I doubt it would be a sudden drop in hearing…you would notice it without the hearing aid in also…

Could be/most likely is moisture which may have caused something in the hearing aid to short out. If you turn it on tomorrow and it seems to be working and then cuts out again, 99% chance that it’s moisture.

One more question.
I was doing some hard work and there was a lot of sweat on my head. It started to switch program on their own.
Now on one aid program button don’t work at all and on another it sometime work sometime it don’t . It was two days ago, so it probably wont dry out any more.

Is that button on filter and how much it cost to be replaced?


Sweat is bad for Phonaks (and all aids of course), when my V’s have done what you describe they have needed to be rebuilt by Phonak.

That’s exactly why I switched to a Naida. Honestly though, hearing aids have existed long enough, and ALL have this problem - WHY don’t the manufacturers just make them ALL water resistant??

Do you have a Dry n Store? If not I would get one, it helps dry out your HA if they get wet. Other option is take off the HA’s if you are going to be sweating a lot, or get some Hearing Aid Sweat Bands, they work great at keeping HA dry from perspiration, rain or snow.

It has been a week since I’ve started wearing my Naida Spice aids. Still getting use to all the sounds and overall, I’ve been please with them.

Still, I have one question… I notice that when I’m in a noisy environment (or slight noise), I cannot hear any voice spoken behind me. For example, I was at the mall and my wife call for me when she was right behind me and I could not hear her at all. We did several test with this and I only started hearing her as she move sideways from me. I’ve experience the same thing at work. I can hear very well with object in front of me and sideways, but if someone calls for me from the back, I’m lost.

I’m due for my second adjustment next week, but wanted to asked if this is normal with these Spice aids? I only have the auto program for now (want to get use to the Soundrecover, before adding other programs). Again, this issue seem to be at it’s worst in a noisy environment.

Mention it to your audi - I note that I have some issues from behind, but not completely, and probably largely because I only have loss in one ear. I note that I still have problems hearing women’s voices, but we keep making adjustments, and will eventually get it right. :slight_smile:

If it’s in situations with background noise present the hearing aid is most likely in directional mode which reduces noises from directly behind you and to the side. As you wife moves towards the front of you she gradually moves into the “focused area” and becomes audible. Maximum audibility should be directly in front of you.

Depending on which Naida you have, you may be able to get a hyper-cardiod pattern or bi-directional pattern, the one above is cardiod. The higher tech level, the more flexibility in polar patterns you will have.

The fact that you are able to have such a well-illustrated example of how a directional microphone works is actually kinda cool. Obviously not for you…lol…

Thank you for that illustration. It help me understand it better. I guess with my old aids, it was simply “Hear everything”, whereas I have to get use to the directional features. I can understand the benefits & even hear it now, but I’m hoping that it can be adjusted a little, because it seems to be a little extreme.

I have the Naida XI UP.