Phonak Spice

Increasing the TK will decrease the volume for very soft sounds (counterpart to the Target 2.0 20dB tab). TK stands for Compression Threshold Kneepoint. If you change the view on iPFG to Input/output and then Target and select 500Hz for example, by increasing the TK you decrease the output for soft sounds. By decreasing the output, you decrease the amount of volume for those soft sounds.


Ok, I get it. Thank you.

That new torpedo dome - is it avaiable like tulip in different lenght or only one?
I have short one and while it not drop out, it lose good seal. I think longer one would be better because speaker will be blocked from moving out with tragus, and stll be deep enough for better seal.

I’m not sure I know what torpedo dome you are speaking about.

Closed dome. First was tulip shaped, and then replaced with one with two little holes in it.

Ah! got it. I have found that I get pretty good results with their newly designed closed dome and don’t really miss the tulip dome at all. It has 3 different sizes whereas the tulip dome was just one so I’m able to fit this closed dome on a lot more patients more comfortably. I do not know if they have a long version…I would ask the professional who takes care of you to find out. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve used a long tip.

They only ordered it because i insisted. I believe its biggest one.
I tried tulip and this one and after fb test new one gave me much more gain.
Because jaw movement in ear tulip was also unstable in low freq.

MMMMMMMM I was told by Audie that Phonak haven’t released Target 2.0 in Australia as yet and probably won’t.

Of course Target 2.0 will be released in Australia.

Why wouldn’t it be?

I know that it will be released - but some people like my Audie don’t like being told anything. Bit sad really.

If she did her job properly and kept herself up to date, she wouldn’t have to be told anything!!

I wish there was a “Like” button.

My audi’s a nice gal, but she keeps telling me I have unrealistic expectations. If expecting to not have a loud roaring hiss in my aided ear, or expecting to not have the sound compress down so far that I can’t hear anyone speaking in a crowded room is unrealistic, then yes, I have unrealistic expectations. I’m not expecting super spy clarity, but seriously…

Can i test receivers on smart s by swaping left and right one?

Ask her if she is expecting to be paid in full …

yes. do you know how to take them off???

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I saw a video somewhere on phonak site. Remove pin and pull out.

Yes if it’s an older RIC. If it’s within the past year, the pin just pushes off to the side and the receiver should come right out…the pin doesn’t come all the way out though. Don’t want you to break it!!! Good luck!

Hmm… Its Ceramic smart S9 and pin did come out. What is changed? on case or on receiver itself?
Its good to know how test receiver.
Anyway, its not receiver. Its either cold, or further ear damage on concert or right aid goin crazy. Mine “a” is lot softer on right - not in balance (low freq).

Ooo…never fit a Ceramic one so I don’t know if they are different…sorry.

If it’s not the reciever it could me the mic. I doubt it would be a sudden drop in hearing…you would notice it without the hearing aid in also…

Could be/most likely is moisture which may have caused something in the hearing aid to short out. If you turn it on tomorrow and it seems to be working and then cuts out again, 99% chance that it’s moisture.

One more question.
I was doing some hard work and there was a lot of sweat on my head. It started to switch program on their own.
Now on one aid program button don’t work at all and on another it sometime work sometime it don’t . It was two days ago, so it probably wont dry out any more.

Is that button on filter and how much it cost to be replaced?
