Hi I was recently fitted with Phonak Sphere Infinio I 90 hearing aids and find the audio very good the different settings eg Restaurant, TV etc don’t seem to make any difference.
My main problem now is I am getting a high pitched squeak in my left hearing aid which comes and goes, which is not acceptable. Would appreciate any advice
Sounds like feedback (caused by sound leaking out from ear and getting back to microphone generating feedback loop) Solutions: 1)better fitting, more occlusive dome 2)less gain (not a great idea) 3)Sometimes feedback settings can be adjusted to help this. Did they run some sort of feedback program when they fit your hearing aids? Discuss with your audiologist.
Many thanks for the advice, I went back to the audiologist and she did a feedback test which appeared ok, however the noise is back again, I will try another dome to see if that helps but would not be happy to continue with the problem.
i am wondering if you noticed any difference with the various modes ? also I turned on spheric mode in a noisy restaurant but it did’nt appear to make much difference
If you are experiencing feedback, that isn’t likely to change based on program selection unless you have one with noise/feedback control off for something like music.
I DO notice differences in the programs. Autosense seems to think a lot of the music I hear is noise. A didcated music program fixes that. I also have a restaurant program based off speech in loud noise, which locks it into that mose so it doesn’t flip back and forth which I find annoying. The flipping is due to crossing noise thresholds and back again which trigger the change. I hope you find help with your hcp to fix the issues.
Many thanks for the advice. I will try as you suggest
I am currently trialling spheres. My audiologist explained that the programs in the app such as restaurant etc don’t do anything unless they have been programmed.
Simply put - Your audiologist is wrong - or you misunderstood.
You may just not be getting the left hearing aid in deeply enough.
The app populates some extra programs, but because they are already subprograms available in the auto program I often find they don’t make much difference.
Hard to say why you aren’t noticing much difference with the sphere program without your audiogram.
You can change some settings of the Restaurant programm in the My-Phonak App and save this as a separate (new) programm (e.g. give it the name: MyRestaurant ).
But the audiologist have the abilty to make more changes for each Autosense sub-programms in the Target fitting-software. e.g individual gain curves for each sub-programm, and other individualisations wich are not available in the app, like the microphone characteristics and…
Indeed, these changes can be made. But each program has a base program, eg for TV it’s calm situation. Unsurprising therefore that the custom programs appear to make little difference if they have not been modified.
I had a similar issue some time back. The cause was a buildup of earwax in the ear that was experiencing the feedback.
I had similar experience. Audiologist cranked down the gain and squeak was gone. Also hearing was worse. I found the Adéo Infinio Sphere worked in one set of aids, though nothing like the sample video. But on a replacement set, did not work. Some bugs need attention, I’d say.