Will be due for new HA’s later this year and am very interested in the new Phonak Spheres because of their ability to help with noisy environments, but I’m bothered by the lack of telecoil as I do use that in the theatre, etc. My audio stated that some of her patients keep an old set of HA’s to use in that case. That doesn’t appeal to me somehow. But will the new aids be sufficiently improved that I might not need the telecol?
Appreciate other’s opinions.
Neckloop plus a mic that takes audio cable in?
Bluetooth LE Auracast is supposed to replace telecoil support in public venues, but the rollout is slow and it still seems to be a year or two away.
Does the external mic for Phonak (Partner Mic?) include a T-coil connection? I wear a Jabra Enh/Pro 20 w/o T-coil, but my Multi-Mic (external) has it. Unfortunately, my life now includes no visits where one might be handy, but I’m ready!
When I go here
and click on view more on the filters line and go down to functional and select t-coil I get a list of models and the Sphere Infinio is there.
BUT…it’s not mentioned anywhere else. Go figure.
I believe some of the Roger devices, for example neckloop has a telecoil built in. That would be the way to go with this. Not ideal I guess, but should give you what you need to still be able to access the systems.
The new AI in sphere improves the ability to hear in noise so they now help about 12 dB SNR. Using your t-coil with a loop, or even FM, IR and Auracast if necessary gives you up to 25 dB SNR. I think everyone buying aids right now needs the latest Bluetooth and a T-coil for maximum accessibility.
Well i hope it truly does have a telecoil and this is not a mistake! It does not show a telecoiloption in Target software though…
I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll see fusion energy first.
It doesn’t seem to be a thing
I go to tech sites like 9 to 5 Google, MAC.
It’s not talked about at all.
Indeed… or the second coming…
Dr. Cliff Olson says no telecoil support in the Infinio Sphere lineup – if I remember correctly. Not enough room in the case for the coil with two ICUs and a large battery.
No telecoil in audeo infinio.
In my opinion there’s no match for the coil at this point in time. If enough “noise” was made by HA wearers for the coil, it would be included in all HAs. Too few people know about it or know enough about or haven’t experienced it. It can’t be matched … at this point in time. There’s a place for all; blue tooth, aurcast, coil, etc. We just need to keep asking/demanding it.
Auracast could be more widespread in cinemas faster because it will also be available to those with Bluetooth headphones who prefer that sound because it is the purest. The sound that comes from the speakers is most often distorted and difficult to understand.
And here we generally need to influence the EU and the government in America, etc. We need to write a petition to make this a mandatory option by law.
Bluetooth equipment is cheaper than installing a telecoil and equipment.
What do you mean by “no match”?
I think the use of a telecoil is an excellent option for groups of people. It’s discrete without the use of cumbersome headphones or personal neck loops. The problem is the lack of loops out in the wild. I wonder what the cost difference is of installing loops with an amp and mic input as opposed to auracast with it’s broadcast “box” and mic input. Then of course people need to have auracast-able aids. This is what I like about loops and telecoil. It’s perfectly fine working tech that has been around for ages. It just seems it has not been adopted widely. Maybe because it’s not modern, gee-whiz tech to sell. It just works.
I’ve had the Spheres since mid-November. We go to the theater with some frequency, and comprehending dialog has been a growing issue for me over the years. My experience with the Spheres is that they improving my hearing dramatically in noisy environments (even 80+ dBA) but only marginally in cinema or live performances.
The related problem, with T-coils, is that so few facilities have hearing loops installed (which the T-coil is designed to connect with). For a long time there was enthusiasm w/in the hearing loss community nationwide to promote loop installation, but I hear nothing about it in populous California.
Try this list.
Let’s you know where loops are in each state.
California had a lot more then Louisiana.
Aware of it, yes, thanks!
It’s incomplete, as most such lists are. I know of several that don’t show up here, but should. They can only list those that they happen to learn about, if people report that they exist.