Phonak Roger On


  1. Yes there’s two licenses but if you don’t want to use both, you don’t need to install both.

  2. Roger Direct is only available for Phonak. You would have to use a Roger X receiver on an Oticon Aid.

  3. No, there isn’t Bluetooth on the On and if you use the Bluetooth on the Pen 1.1, your Aids won’t work properly. They’ll start to go crazy changing programs, until you turn the Bluetooth off, on the Pen.

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@glucas @Zebras Thank you guys, much appreciated.


@Baltazard Clarity and support on this forum can be amazing. I’m grateful as well especially since Phonak doesn’t often present Roger info in clear manner.


Lots of info for you here from a fairly accessible site for HCPs.

Roger overview

If you poke around there are simulations, how to videos, a bunch of good stuff.

Best wishes as you explore options.



@WhiteHat many thank, the price is so steep, and I needed to make sure I will be taking the right decision, by understanding how the roger works and if it is suitable for what I am looking for.
Not sure if @glucas will give us some updates on his experience with the roger!

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@Edma I agree with you, much appreciated to everyone.

Yes, the price is steep, but IMHO well worth it. I have the Roger Select iN to go along with my Phonak Marvel HAs. It’s really the only thing that allows me to go out to dinner and be able to hear what people are saying around the table. It’s really the only way I can carry on a conversation in the car. I also use it quite a lot for setting the TV volume to a level that works for me, but doesn’t blast out my spouse. I also use it for interacting with the sound on my iPad for things like Zoom meetings, although I could just hook up to my HAs with blue tooth instead. But the pairing and unpairing of BT between my HAs and my iPhone or iPad is a pain, so the Roger alleviates said pain.

But don’t take my word for it, ask my spouse! Back in September my Roger had a sort of accident. For a few days It didn’t work at all. Then, it did work for a while and I thought all was good. But, then, it stopped working again. The problem was it couldn’t reliably charge. I took it to my audiologist for a check up. Fortunately, it was under warranty, so they just fixed things (sent me a new one, I believe). But…here’s the kicker…my spouse said that I absolutely had to fork over for a new one if my audiologist couldn’t fix the one I had. See, the Roger isn’t only an aid for me, but also for my spouse. She rather likes going out to dinner with someone capable of carrying on a coherent conversation with her. Being able to do that on a regular basis in comfort pretty much requires I have the Roger with us.


@lgpiper I’ll have to give it to you, you just convinced me to get one.
Thank you

Yes, that’s the clincher isn’t it? When you realise that it’s something that’s totally indispensable. I have only had it for 2 to 3 weeks and it’s hard to say yet until I have been out a few more times. Certainly if you have difficulty hearing your spouse and they can just wear it then it’s an absolute no brainer. I am lucky enough to be able to hear in most situations - I just want to see how it performs in those very noisy situations where your evening turns into a nightmare.


Does anyone know if the VA will offer the Roger On mike any time soon. I believe they make additions to their offerings in November, and in May every year.

My audiologist is ordering one for me. They have been available since the tech refresh to the contracts at the beginning of November.


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Thank you for the info. I called my audiologist this morning and said
he would place the order today. He said I will be the first one they have
ordered for.

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Way to lead the pack. Hope they help both of us!


When I’m just out with my spouse, she wears the Roger Select iN on a lanyard around her neck. When at dinner with a group — relatives, and only a few times a year [I have no friends ;-)] — I can place the Roger on the table and I pretty much hear everyone, even those across the table. In such a situation, I liken the Roger to being equivalent to an automatic ear trumpet. The voice of the person talking in the moment, is magically fed directly into my ears, via my HAs. When the next person speaks, the ear trumpet magically moves over to their mouth, so to speak. Now, if multiple folks are talking at the table at once, then we do have problems. If no one is speaking, then one does get some annoying pick up from nearby tables, but it’s not so bad. Having the magic ear trumpet is the difference between participating in the group event and feeling like a wart on a log.

I expect that the Roger On, in many ways, works similarly to the Roger Select.


My Phonak battery pack, ordered the same time as the Roger On, came today. Oh, how I hope it comes before Friday when I go out to eat with a friend.


I love this and now I can’t get this out of my mind and I’m seeing people speaking with trumpets on their mouth. Thank you for for this!

I was worried that mic would pick and amplify all the sounds nearby in noisy situations. I do know it wouldn’t make any sense to have that kind of product.


At first I found my Roger to amplify surrounding noise through the Roger Mic (not through my hearing aid Mics) but with proper programming, the Roger program can be adjusted to really work well.

My local VA audiology called today to say they received the Roger ON I had asked about and were putting it in the mail to me! I’ve been reading and re-reading this thread in anticipation - the thread was what made me ask about it in the first place. I’m still confused about what’s different between the ON and the ON iN versions, but whichever they send is supposed to work with my P90-RT aids from the VA. Could arrive as soon as Saturday, but more likely sometime next week.

I received a call from the VA Yesterday to set up an appointment with the Audiologist
for Dec. 27th to get set up with the Roger On. Since this is the first one ordered by the
Boise VA, I suspect they want to see it too rather than just sending it to me.:slight_smile:

@akillenb From what I found, the difference between the Roger On vs Roger On in, is that:

Roger On:
-Previous model
-Needs shoes (Licenses)

Roger On in:
-New model (Perhaps replaces Roger on)
-Doesn’t need licenses (as they are (2 licenses) “in” the item itself)
-High Price
-Works with Marvel and Paradise platforms!

Also, there are technical differences, you might want to check the specification sheet.
If someone could confirm the above, that would be much appreciated.