Phonak Remote Control Question

I have a question about the Phonak Remote Control (the newer one for use with Marvel and Paradise)
Does the remote button cycle through all of the programs, including those which are part of Autosense, or does it only access the extra added programs (like using the buttons on the HA’s)

Just like the buttons on your HAs.

I guess the remote has limited usefulness then. With the app on my phone I can put the HA’s into ANY of their programs.

Yeah I guess your right there, maybe the remote is more for people you don’t wanna pull their phone out, you could keep the remote in your pocket and use it that way.

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I can’t do that with Phonak L90-R and the iOS myPhonak app. The audi has added Calm Situation (not sure why, will ask at my appointment next week) and Speech in noise. The only others I can select are Restaurant (base program: Speech in noise); Music (base program: Music); and TV (base program: Calm situation). I can’t select AutoSense-accessible programs such as Comfort in echo, speech in car, comfort in noise.


@brec. You are correct. My bad !

Ha i thought you meant something else, yeah that Autosense is “automatic” switching, actually one of the main reasons I dropped Phonak, just seemed to drop into the wrong program at odd times.

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Worse than that. The settings on the programs it chooses make no sense. I couldn’t hear the driver in the Jeep. In the program the HA’s chose the “Speech Focus” was pinpoint wide. And the Jeep is noisy.

One of my complaints has been that the person setting up never shared what the Target User Report, and the Target Pro Report. I didn’t know how my HA’s were set up and what the settings were.

My hearing aids were possessed. My old audiologist who dispensed them didn’t know how to set them up.