Phonak programming software

Hi All,
I would be very appreciated if someone could send ne the link to download Phonak Target 7.3 or newer version of programming software. That is all about my mother as I want to become her hearing aid supporter. Thanks in advance,

Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects, what is the exact model of your mum’s HAs, as this will determine the correct programming device needed.

Do some research before jumping in and making adjustments, here’s the target user guide to read through.

Hi, I have been programming my own Resound Aids for several years now. Just got a pair of Phonak Paradise P90 UP. I have had trouble finding the Phonak Target software. Could someone kindly PM a download link to me? I can help anyone who is programming their own Resound aids.

Happy present moment,

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s always good to have another DIY programmer on the forum, I’m sure you notice a lot difference with the Phonak models.

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Thank you so much! It’s a pleasure to be here. I’ve gotten really good with Resound aids, but their build quality has diminished since 2016. My Phonak P90’s have been unimpressive so far. They constantly drop the connection to my phone and all of the Roger and TV devices I have them connected to. I may end up sending them back.


Sounds like a faulty pair of Aids.

I have Phonak Naida P70 UP and they don’t drop connection at all from anything I’m using.

Please Phonak Target software latest, thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, it’s not that hard to do, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and of course you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.