UPDATE: Bam! The UTV3 WORKS to stream audio from the PC to the P90 HAs. Problem is, it prevents the P90 TV Connector from connecting to the P90s.
These HAs are the bee’s knees! The only problem I’ve had is the very iffy connecting to my PC. I have a Techkey 5.0 dongle that works great with everything I throw at it, everything but the HAs. Once connected, it works flawlessly, but when I leave the room, there is no guarantee the HAs will reconnect. I end up having to cycle power on the BT adaptor, maybe once, maybe more before it connects. Many times it doesn’t connect, so I have to cycle power on the HAs to put it in pairing mode, and try to reconnect. It’s a total nightmare.
So I was wondering if anyone has a bluetooth 5.0 adaptor that just works. One that reconnects without all the BS I have to go through. Customer Service recommended a different dongle, one that had only 3 ratings. Mine has over 17,000, mostly positive ratings…
Any advice would be appreciated.