Phonak P90 trial hearing aids

Never saw that option, with mine from memory at the time (Marvel) it was automatically detected in target as a “trial”.
I still have a couple of sets of Unitron trial “Flex Trial” HAs around, I’ll have a look at this to see if it works.
As a side note, i can confirm HAs from ReSound/Beltone marked “Demo” can have the feature turned off to be used as as any other HAs, just as you mentioned for Phonak.

well i can’t agree with him as i never used the special trial tab, i programmed mine in normal mode as i used to program my older non trial aids and they’re marked as trials with 6 weeks trial period, see the pics

but not be a naysayer, i’ll put a reminder on my calendar to check again after 6 weeks to see if aids still work normally and i’ll update. i know it doesn’t help you now, but i’ve never went for 6 weeks without restarting trial period, sorry

Well @nidjo,
If it works, then we will both be glad! I guess we have to wait about six weeks unless @emile.heilbron can pop in and tell us if he has the same Trial Period 6 weeks when he programmed his. For me, this may be a problem, because I’m traveling to Alaska in mid-July for two months. I guess I have to bring my Noahlink, just in case!
I just checked and Phonak Target and Noahlink both work wonderfully in a VirtualBox Windows 10 32-bit machine on my main Linux laptop. This may be helpful to those who use Linux like me. It is much easier to bring up a virtual machine than to reboot into Windows!

well that’s great, you’ll be safe! noah doesn’t take up that much space, you’ll be able to pack it up :slight_smile:
alaska seems like a good place to go now, heat is almost unbearable :smiley:

Thanks for your additional info @nidjo with this picture of Target vers. 8.1.2.
I can assure that I never saw this “trial period 6 weeks” as it would have been very obvious for me also. And I was informed about the existing of the six weeks trial period in the trial’s. So that makes me wondering if there must be a possibility to change the functioning of the trial to non-trial. Did you ever try to do a full reset on the aids?

Maybe the guy on eBay knows more about this… we could ask him.

Edit: only just found this pair but nothing about the trials. Phonak P90-R M&RIE Receivers Bluetooth, Rechargeable Hearing Aids+ Charger Pod | eBay

i did a full reset on my aids when i received them, and i don’t think it’s that simple. all those aids are the same in hardware sense but with different firmware, which i’m sure isn’t possible to be altered with in target software. i don’t know how flashing is done, but i think they’re using some other dedicated software/hardware - i don’t think anyone would use bluetooth for firmware flashing, it must be something cable connected.

also - i have TRIAL printed on my aid’s housing:

Yes, this was “the small scratches” place I had on two of them and the third one it was still there unscratched also. But no trial visible in the Target software in programming. Weird…

@emile.heilbron ,
Did you have to connect your trial HA after you set it up as a regular HA? Do you remember if you had the same Trial Period Message that @nidjo had?

I was able to update the firmware via Bluetooth using Target 8.1 on the M90-R HA I have. It worked fine, but I cannot use them in the Trial mode at all.

See my reply above… I did not had any trial messages in my programming. Only the signs of trial on the casings.
Glad to hear that you also did not have the trial message as described in @nidjo post. So as it seems there is a possibility to change trials in normal aids.
Can you not ask your seller how it works? As you seem to recently got these delivered.

Well @emile.heibron,
I had the same experience you did. They came up as P90-R and the only thing about them that indicated trial was the side of the HA. I never saw anything about a trial period, and never went to the trial tab. Maybe once you use that, you might have to do something special. These did say there was an update and I took it. These were in unopened what appear to be original boxes from Phonak. They had a charge that indicated yellow but charged up to solid just fine. They connect to the Noahlink wonderfully.
Pairing to the phone is not so easy though. I had similar problems with my M70-R HA. For hearing, they work nicely. I am having difficulty connecting the streaming to my Pixel 6 Pro. Very annoying. :slight_smile:
P.S. I found pairing for streaming was easy if I turned Bluetooth off and back on again on the Pixel.

@rob.frohne maybe off topic:
Thanks for the additional information.
Did you install the Phonak app on your phone? I remember once to have to forget the Phonak HA in the BT list and also did on the Phonak app. After that let find the Phonak app the HA’s first before you let find your phone the BT devices. The app will ask if BT connection is allowed and shows the devices which you have in the startup state. After agreeing and using the Phonak app they also show up in the BT list of the phone. Hope this helps… In addition the BT was working flawless if not connected with to many other BT tablets, PC’s, loudspeakers, TV’s and other stuff with BT in ON position.

What I found was that my BT streaming to my TV over my Roger OnIn which I connected to the optical port was number one favorite in connecting over the other connectable accessoires in my direct vicinity. (I have my TV and Roger in direct coupling mode if the TV is powered on.)

Please let the forum know how it worked out with the six weeks trial period in combination with your aids. As your primary question showed up in different discussions already and is interesting to have answered. Still very eager to know what the trial makes the trial in essence.

Enjoy your planned trip, hopefully with still functioning trials.

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you know, the hearing aid doesn’t count the days of use, it doesn’t know that 6 weeks have passed, so it stops. It measures the hours of use, for a hearing aid 1 day can be 14 hours, this is just an example, it is about 588 hours in total if you count all 6 weeks. I mentioned this because I used the hearing aids for a very long time, sometimes even at night, so that the period of use was reduced to more than a month. If you use the hearing aid less hours a day, it will last longer than those 6 weeks. He does not know how to count the days, but he knows how to count the hours of use.

maybe that’s why some thought that the trial version can be turned off in the software to be the permanent version.


Well, I have to correct myself. I did see the note about the trials expiring in six weeks when I changed the windblock settings.
We will see…

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Confirmed, left aid started playing some short sequence today, seems to be once every hour so far. I’m using left one more so i guess that’s why it started first.

@nidjo How bad, sorry to hear.
Mine were not sold as Trials, but I could see the print was removed.
I do not have them anymore so I cannot say a thing about it now. In the time I used them I had no issues. But still remember I programmed them several times, so this could be a cause…

it’s fine, i knew what i was buying and i was aware i’ll be required to connect/reset trial period once a month :slight_smile:
price was more than fine and i don’t mind that small inconvenience - i plan on purchasing trial versions in the future.

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Exactly, this is the point, they can be brought so cheap on eBay (Lumity pair for $100!) that having to reset every 6 weeks is not a game changer for most.


I can’t find any listings on Ebay for the Trials.
How did you find them? I would be grateful for a hint.
Possibly depending on what country is being searched from?

Oh I wouldn’t know what’s on right now, but this was something I’d seen when looking for another set a while back.
Keep looking they pop up every now and then, this is the USA site

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