Phonak P90/312 and noise

I still struggle in noisy environments after 8 months with these HAs. If alone in a noisy environment, raher than let Automatic decide, my “go to” program just cuts everything to an acceptable and comfortable level. The problem is when I want to hear speech in noisy situations. Automatic does shut down a lot of background noise but also compreseses the speech so much that it just becomes a different noise rather than intelligble speech. How do I achieve this filtering without compromising speech? I’ve had limited success with the myPhonak app by setting up a custom program and setting volume at 50%, noise reduction at 25%, speech focus at 40%, dynamic at -1 and leaving frequencies flat. This helps in some situations but quickly fails as noise levels creep up.

What should I be concentrating on in Target? I don’t want to change the overall sound quality because my Music program is fabulous and speech cognition is good in normal environments, including TV.

I found that having NoiseBlock, SoundRelax and all the others on, even on weak, really reduces speech, both in person and in streaming / Bluetooth and even when using the Phonak Roger as well.

Thanks for your input Zebras. So you are saying the best speech recognition is with all the fancy sound processing switched off!!

For me personally yes. Although you hear more background noise, the speech is a lot louder.

If streaming / Bluetooth, the music etc is also a lot louder.

Obviously we all hear differently so it may not work well for you.

I have telecoil program on my Aids. I have NoiseBlock set to max on that program because NoiseBlock seems to reduce telecoil interference to nil.

That’s interesting. I also found that - while streaming - the environmental noise or wind reduces the loudness of the streaming. Exact the opposite what I wanted. Therefore I wasn’t able to comprehend my audio book when a car drove by.
In my opinion this is a fault in the HA-SW.
I set the mics to OFF for streaming to solve this.
I’ll give it another try with all the blockers OFF.

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I tried the Speech in Loud Noise program today for the first time.

I put two of the programs on my Aids, one with NoiseBlock etc activated and one without any of the features.

The Speech in Loud Noise performed the best using the one without NoiseBlock etc activated.

I guess the microphone in the Speech in Loud Noise program is still doing a better job compared to the standard Speech in Noise program.

I tried it talking to my sister on a very busy/noisy bus.

Up until now, as I normally get the bus on my own, I haven’t come across a situation in where I would need to use the Speech in Loud Noise program.

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@Zebras, look like you and I have similar loss. How did you setup your programing for Calm setting? Soundrelax and noise block completely off? Looking to maximized the speech recognition.


Everything is completely off on my Aids.

EDIT Should add that I reduced everything below 1000htz by 3 dB in Calm Situation and that gave me back what I would believe NoiseBlock would give me.

Thanks @Zebras

Have to play around with it then. I’m suspecting that the Soundrelax is taking some of my high frequency away. And perhaps the windblock also.

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I just went back onto the software and set my fan going (normally use it in the summer) and turning NoiseBlock to weak, made the fan not sound as high frequency. Turning off again, NoiseBlock doesn’t make the sound of my fan, really loud either but made it sound more high in range.