Phonak P70 UP - which advanced sound setting to eliminate the annoying 'digging' sound?

Firstly, l have created a post about changing the sound setting via software and the separate volume adjustment on each aids for Phonak P70 Up Nadia. Thanks to those community people who answered my questions.

I have app on my phone and audiologist modified the sound features such as noiseblock and others.

It seems fairly ok but need to go back again after christmas time.

Meanwhile, l wonder if anyone have the similar issue that it sounds like digging machine, it is much like a concrete road breaker machine. It happens when it’s loud sound and slightly long pause in various decibel/frequency - Microwave, boiling water( kettle), toilet flush and few words like ‘errrr’, ‘ooooh’, ‘aiiiirr’, I noticed the annoying sound of ‘digging machine’ after one day.

I think it is something to do with a combination of frequency and decibel in advanced setting via computer in hospital. Or maybe on my app that l increased/decreased the level of volume, dynamic and noise in personalised program setting.

I get the same, I think it’s the Sound Recover 2 settings although I could be wrong.

Your examples are where I hear it as well.

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I think I get the same thing with my Oticon xceeds.
I had defined it like talking thru a fan. I remember doing that when I was a child. I would sit in front of a fan and hum. It was fun when we were kids. Not so much now, especially when it happens and there is no fan involved :slight_smile:

IMO it sounds like the aids are hitting the MPO limits.

Is this an additional sound you are hearing or breakup of the normal sounds?
You mentioned hospital, are they NHS, if so you are fortunate to get them and could benefit from diy. Where are you?

I will see about that when l see an audiologist.


That is what l am thinking. It seems too high that causes the input sound generation within the processor. Also, l am guessing that low/high pass filter can reduce it if possible.

I am unsure what you mean by additional sounds but l assume you mean the advanced sound setting via computer software. So, yeah, l think it is. I am in the UK and the aids are from NHS. I will see them and hope they can resolve the issues.

Is the percussion sound on top of your normal sound eg conversation or could it be a breaking up of that sound?