I see where the new phonak infinio is now listed as available, but it doesn’t say if it will have the sphere addition. Does anybody have any additional information?
As a veteran that gets aids from the VA, the VA only handles the top tier aids.
I can’t imagine they won’t have sphere available.
Oh, no! You’ve turned into a black hat! As opposed to Mr. White Hat!
Just showing my true colors, black, brown, and tan.
In my career, I was known as the fixer. Be it hardwsre or software, and I not always followed the book. My moto was, “Just do fix it” .
I’m scheduled to get mine 11-8. These will be my first from the VA. This model seems to be a major improvement and better than others. My understanding is that HAs have about a three year lifespan. Is current VA policy to replace them after three years?
It all depends on your hearing loss, and the audiologist. I have been getting my aids from the VA for 20 years. I have gone as long as 5 years to as short as 9 months between new aids.
I wonder if the number of recharging cycles and programs used limits lifespan. I’m relatively new to HAs. Did older models use only batteries and would that have prolonged useful life? It seems that everything is no longer repaired so if a rechargeable battery fails that may result in replacement. I just googled and saw that an HA rechargeable battery should last 4 to 5 years.
Not for me, my hearing loss is very complicated and i have with me almost all the time my backup aids. And my backup aids are kept updated just like my primary aids. I haven’t had any bad experiences with rechargeable aids. In fact i have noticed a remarkable better reliability from my rechargeable aids. As for as programs I only have the default program. My experience and feelings is if I need more than the default program then either my fitting is correct, or the aids aren’t right for me or the audiologist isn’t doing the fitting correctly.
Generally, at least around these parts, they replace aids about every 4 years or if needed sooner. You have a trial period again, at least around here, of 90 days. So, if they aren’t working out you can try something else.
I have always been told 180 days to decide to keep them or not.
As i said… around here. YMMV. I don’t believe there is a line in the sand most AuDs are flexable. But, seriously if you can’t decide in 90 days…
It was in writing and I had to sign the agreement. 180 days to return. 3 years warranty.
This morning I went to get my new Phonaks, but I learned there is an issue with the VA contract that should be resolved soon. I arranged to be called when the new Spheres can be delivered. I should add that I can wait because I’m using Philips 9040s, which are working well. I plan to use the Philips as backup when I get the Spheres.
Thank you for this information.
My VA audiologist just called and said the November contract missed having the Sphere. He expects it to be included in the coming May contract. I’ll need another hearing test to get it then and he left a note for them to call me. I’ll request it then unless something better is available.
Doggone it! I’m gutted. You’re right.
VA Phonak hearing aids for vets
Wondering about getting the infinios and swapping in 6 months for infinio spheres. This might be an advantage to having had my appointment booted a few weeks.
I’m wondering if a manufacturing issue kept them off the contract. People have mentioned limited color availability due to mfr limitations. Maybe this was related.
Anyone know if the new Roger On V3 is available now or do we need to also wait until next May?