Phonak Nathos Nova for NHS?

I saw that on eBay thank you but I’m now confused because i saw the ordinary partner mic for cheaper refurbished an it was uk so i thought i could get because it’s got a uk plug and i can’t afford to be paying all of that for the partnermic and 23 postage then buying the plug adapter and everything as well so i was hoping that i didn’t have to strictly stick to the Easyline products as they are not easy to come by and you can’t get a different case for the Easyline and that case will not be easy to travel with so i want something that is easy to just put in a small front pocket of a backpack for light travel as i use a wheelchair and everything has to fit on the back of the wheelchair so i now don’t know what to do now as i was hoping to get them before the second week of may as ill be going away then ( sorry just saw your post about cases)


I’m confused as well as the first link I showed you, said the standard black Phonak Partner Mic will work.

EDIT - I’ve asked on the Deaf FB Group I admin. There’s over 8000 members so hopefully someone will know.

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@zebras the one i looked at was black and it was 84 they also had a grey one but it wasn’t in this country as well as the one you showed sorry i just saw your post about cases I’m hoping to get it all within the next 2 weeks thanks for asking which one will work for me

Think i may of solved it connevans lists the black one but will be great to just have it confirmed here’s a link Phonak Nathos Nova PR hearing aids | Connevans

Really happy so far with how things are working out the streaming is great yet to try it out on a phone call to see how it works and when i get the partner mic will try that as well


How’re you getting on with the PartnerMic?

I’m thinking about getting one for my Phonak Sky M70 Aids.

@Zebras unfortunately I’ve not been able to get the partner mic yet due to a few other expenses coming up but should hopefully be ordering it in the next week or so so will let you know

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Did you get the myLink working for your Roger as I’m quite shocked that the Nathos Nova PR apparently doesn’t contain a telecoil program, if it’s correct?!

Unfortunately the mylink will only work with my cros aids as the nathos nova doesn’t have a t coil program as he went through all the options he even checked on connevans to see if it any device compatibility for the mylink was listed and there was nothing even the information on nhs phonak website says only the m option comes with telecoil so I’m hoping to sort out the partnermic in the next week or so as at the minute i can only reallly make use of the nathos nova for streaming and quiet situations I’m still having to use my cross aids a lot for going out and noisy situations but i hope that will change when i get the partnermic


The myPhonak App has a lot of settings to help in background noise.

Have you played around with the App?

I’ve been doing adjustments through the app and it works well in certain situtations like when in a cafe or place where i am with one or two other people but out on the street in traffic or in a place where they are playing music it doesn’t work quite so well even having adjusted certain elements to knock out as much background noise as possible the restaurant program is good and works well for sitting at a table with one or two other people and i like the whole general sound and clarity it much improved on my cros aid i just think i need the partnermic to pass to someone if I’m traveling down the road or in a very noisy environment and someone is on the side of my left ear or there are more than just a couple of other people it will just increase the understanding a bit more

I agree.

The Partner Mic is only suitable for 1-1 though so wouldn’t work with more then 1 x person.

Thanks for that info my idea was in noisy situations or when traveling down the road in traffic i could pass it to the person i was talking to or the person on my left so as they would be the one i could hear and maybe see how passing it around the group I’m with works if in settings of more than one person


That’s a good idea and sounds like a plan regarding the Partner Mic.

It’s a shame that you can’t pair more then one Partner Mic to a set of hearing aids or in your case, one hearing aid.

That is a shame as it would be great if you could have paired more than one partnermic

@zebras I’ve had the partnermic for a few days now and it seems to be working well so far can hear things really clearly the only thing i haven’t tried now is taking a phone call with the nathos nova


Have you paired your Nathos to your phone? I love taking phone calls.

Yes it is paired to my phone just not had much of a chance to use it for answering a phone call yet with the nathos nova

I have now decided to work towards saving up to purchase the latest rechargeable cros aids from phonak as having sampled the sound quality of the nathos nova pr with the partnermic which i really like i have decided that there is a vast quality improvement in the clarity of sounds which i would love to have in both ears that when i do use my current cros aids they put the sound to shame so until i can get to a point where i can purchase the cros p i am going to keep using both the nathos nova with partnermic and my cros aids when needed as it will be awhile before i can get the new cros aids

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That’s great to hear.

I hope it won’t take too long to save the money to buy them.

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asking for a friend,his quick hearing test can hear test tone 60db, but cannot hear anything in the 500 to 6000 hz below this.
So, prelim he is moderate servere loss.
Would be he better to choose the nadia m70 sp or the nadia p70 up?

Understand that the “p” stands for paradise while “m” stands for marvel. Paradise is the newer platform. I think a lot of people skipped paradise that had marvel because they didn’t think it was worth it but if you have the choice going in, the difference is night and day when it comes to bluetooth.

The other issue is the powers of the receivers. Up (ultra power) vs sp (super power). It would probably be easier to get the receivers changed to the right power than get a newer platform HAs changed because it works better with your IT and handles noise better.

Hope this helps some.


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