Phonak Naida Paradise Fitting

Hi All, I will be grateful if someone could give me some direction.
Recently I got a Phonak Naida Paradise + a Roger on in for my brother (see his audiogram on my profile).
He went to an audiologist (which isn’t free) to do the fitting done, after getting custom ear-molds, but it seems like the Audi was clueless, but he did setup the left HA but screwed the right one.
My brother doesn’t want to deal with any Audi for various reasons.
Are the following acoustic parameters right?

After re-initializing the HA with my brother and going through the setup in target (including feedback test) using Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0, my brother’s 1st impressions are:
-Low Phone calls volume on left ear.
-Too much road noise
-Too much noise while walking on the street

Not sure if he needs to change this one:

Bearing in mind that he has been using Oticon for the past +10 years (Acto & Agile Pro mini RITE), and this is his 1st ever Phonak HA.

Any help, would be great.

Check that you have a vent in the custom made molds, and change accordingly.

Just increase the gain/volume on the phone program for the left, just 1 or 2dB at a time to begin with. Which phone program are you talking about, Bluetooth or acoustic?

This can be adjusted, it’s called noise reduction, a little bit more could be all that’s needed, in AutoSense you can actually adjust each program independently, look for noise program. Also just lowering the lower frequencies can also help.
Bit of trial and error to find the sweet spot.

Same as above.

No need to change any of these settings just yet.

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@tenkan Thank you for your reply.

  • I don’t think there is any vent in the molds, something similar to this one:

  • It’s Bluetooth phone calls, while the volume is @ max on the smartphone, it is still low on his left HA; I believe this is where you meant I need to do the changes:

-For the noise, I believe this what you meant:

Is this correct?

Thank you @tenkan

Looks good, but I think the Bluetooth is the one for Bluetooth phone calls. Try that one, I no longer use/program Phonaks,so not up to speed on this, @Zebras @Raudrive are good with this.

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Since you are in the DIY forum, I would recommend setting the aids up using Audiogram Direct.
It’s important to set acoustics properly, earmolds and vents. Look at the earmolds closely. The end that goes into the canal, look for a small hole next to the sound tube. If there is one try selecting 1mm in Target, it’s a good starting point for earmolds.
Target will ask for the feedback/real ear test then. Do it for each ear. Then you are ready to do Audiogram Direct.

Once the aids are programmed see if the issues you mentioned are still issues.

Have fun and good luck.


He is the earmold:

Not sure if the vent is correct:


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Yes there is no vent so the setting is occluded which is correct.

I’m not up to standard with the latest Phonak Paradise as I personally don’t have them but I’ve seen there’s a setting for ‘Dynamic Noise Cancellation’ which might help with background noise?

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Many thanks @Zebras :upside_down_face:


I’ve just read what @Raudrive has put regarding doing Audiogram Direct. I would recommend doing it as it can give you a more accurate hearing test I found, from experience. (I think because of the ear moulds going in the ear, as to why it can give a better result. Where’s normally the hearing test is headphones which don’t go inside the canal.)



How’re you getting on? Is your brother getting on better with new settings?

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Hi @Zebras How are you doing?
Well, it seems like he doesn’t like them, especially the size (he is wearing Oticon Agil Pro mini Rite).
He went last week to an audiologist who fitted the left one only, as the audi want it to reset the HA, but me and my brother weren’t sure about resetting the HA, as they might lose the Roger licenses. (which I’ve been told by Phonak Tech support, that you can reset the HA without losing the Roger licenses), so the right HA wasn’t setup, even though we did setup the HA prior to going to the audiologist, not sure what was the problem.
So, we’ve had to do the setting the DIY way at home.
Initially, he was hearing a lot of noises, especially with the Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0, then he gave up.
So today, he said I am going to give them a try, and he used the DSL v5a Adult, which seem to have less noise.
One thing he told me that the audiogram from the AudiogramDirect is much much worst than the one done at the audiologist, not sure what’s the problem, he hasn’t sent me a screenshot yet.
My gut feeling is, him having been using Oticon ecosystem for +10 years, it is going to be difficult to adjust to different brand.
Also, the size is (I guess) another concern.
One thing I’ve noticed (I might need HA myself) is if I call him on smartphone, his voice volume seems too low, I suspect because of the microphone’s location (on the HA), rather than the streamer like the Agile.
Hopefully, he will use them and get a good result, otherwise he will have to wait for the Oticon More BTE if they are released.


I hope over time, he may start to like them. Are you on a trial for them?

Yes you are right that some people can’t hear the caller very well and that is because of where the Mic is positioned.

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