Phonak Naida P70 UP: Unable to connect to two devices at the same time

Hello everyone,
I just got a new phonak Naida P70 UP. I was told that i’d be able to connect to two devices at the same time without having to disconnect. I’m trying to connect my laptop and my phone, but it keeps disconnecting and connect to the other like when im connected to laptop bluetooth then i try to connect to my phone. It disconnects from laptop and connects to phone and vice versa. Is there anything i should be doing to enable the connecting to two devices at the same time functionality?

It should work. Have you tried two other devices? Or, try phone and TV, then laptop and TV. Do you have a tablet you could try? My guess is that the laptop is the problem, just because they are prone to more problems than cell phones and tablets.

This is right for your HA’s because they have the BT version you need. But I assume that 1 of the 2 things you try to connect to doesn’t has the correct version. (An older on then needed).