Phonak Naida B90 SP moisture problem

hello, the problem of phonak naida B90 SP got moisture, the phone coil became quiet by 10%, what can be done?
red is filters and blue is water moisture

Buy a new ear hook? They are super cheap!

Dry the Aid out?

Unscrew the ear hook and dry it out?

Sushi on the 2nd Sunday did not help, changed the horn also does not help :frowning:

Dry the whole Aid out if changing the ear hook didn’t work.

That tells you the issue is more then just the ear hook.

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How did you get all that water in?

I don’t know where the water comes from, the temperature is 36 degrees in the summer, the children were running, their hair was wet

Comes from hot ears. Water travels from the ear, up the tube into the ear hook.