Phonak Motion Sensor with bi-CROS

I am trialing Phonak P90 in bi-CROS and will switch soon to Lumity L90 now that they have announced a CROS for Lumity. I am interested in the Motion Sensor feature whereby it changes the microphone directionality so you can better hear a person next to you when walking. My hearing care professional told me that feature requires two full hearing aids and will not function when one aid is a CROS unit. Can anyone here verify that?

I can’t find any info on it but with the older CROS II, they made the Speech in Loud Noise work with the CROS II, as that feature only works with two hearing aids so they likely have made the motion sensor work with the CROS L.

Thanks Zebras. Do you happen to know if the speech sensor is active by default in the fitting software? I get the feeling my HCP is not real familiar with the Phonak fitting software; he likes Oticon and knows that software well.

I don’t but if you head over here, you can request the Target Software and play around with it.

You don’t need to actually connect the hearing aids to create a client and pretend settings when your Audiogram.

It’ll give you a better idea as to what’s on there.

Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I wondered how people were able to get the fitting software for DIY.

I have Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s that are two years old.

My audiologist didn’t turn on the feature that allowed the Left and Right hearing aids to communicate

I couldn’t hear in quiet or noisy environments. He made other mistakes too. He asked me to find someone that could help me more; I did and the hearing aids are magnificent because I found someone else more skilled.

I’m repeating my story in case it helps you. I don’t have CROS units.

Hope it helps…


Thanks DaveL. That does help.

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I’m happy to help! Its been almost 2 years getting my hearing aids right.


According to this, and my own experiences with Paradise P90 in BiCROS, they already have motion directionality features Phonak introduces Paradise, a new paradigm in hearing aid sound quality

I guess, because it’s so new to market, I can’t find anything to confirm Lumity in BiCROS does or doesn’t provide the same (yet).

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My new practitioner turned this on; it was not selected by the audiologist who provided the hearing aids almost 2 years ago.
Oversimplifying, the lumity HA has the same type of chip. It has autosense 5.0, not autosense 4.0 as my HA’s have.

My new practioner provided me with two printed reports when he finished setting up my P90R’s. They listed all the features available and those that were selected. My audiologist-who-provided-the P90’s almost two years ago never did that. That’s a major mess-up because it was something I asked for many times.

I think that they release the basic product first; then they update all through the line. It looks to me like the lumity is fully released now. I’ve been following just in case my hearing aids didn’t work because they were c*ap. I wish all the features were available from the first release.

My thoughts.

  • future hearing aids will be released before I can buy them.
  • everyone’s needs are different
  • my hearing aids would have met my needs from the beginning if I had a more knowledgable supplier
  • I don’t need the best model; however, I DO need them to be setup to my needs.
  • would I skip a generation? Sure; I expect that future generations will be more capable, and/or simply be cheaper for Sonova to make and service.
  • I’m just a hard of hearing person with hearing aids that has been extremely upset because they didn’t work right the way they were setup.
  • moving on–I’m very happy my new practitioner has changed my setup, and they work so much better
  • my wife says–“what took you so long”.

Finally, there are many professionals that do a wonderful job providing hearing aids and assistance to us hard of hearing folks. My hat’s off to them. And I salute the people that participate here and help so much.



First is Audeo, the RIC models. Then about a year later the pediatric (Sky) and BTE (Naida) models. Lastly (not out for lumity yet) will come the customs (Virto), which I expect in the Spring 2024. The cycle should repeat with next platform late summer 2024 with the Audeo aids. This is from WhiteHat’s crystal ball and not any insider knowledge. If something different happens, don’t come after me with pitchforks and torches, ok? :wink:


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