Phonak Marvel Trial Aids

Won’t be long now.
I have a hunch that no beeps will happen. In other words, act like normal aids.

2 people testing now.
Let us know.

Today my left aid has stared making 3 descending tones every hour.
Looks like crash test dummy time is upon us ?!?

I will monitor today and check out the settings tonight when I get home !


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You’re lucky to get 6 weeks out of them. The Unitron Trial HAs that I’ve been given will beep only after 2 weeks. They’ll beep every hour for 6 hours and then every minute until you get them re set.

So the left one beeped every hour 3 descending tones.

I have used target to read them, there is no obvious warning, but I note that I made a change on the right one a few weeks ago - I wonder if any change resets the timer ?

I have changed the bluetooth name and saved that back to the devices, will wait an hour and see what happens. If it still does it then I will reset the aid with the trial option then restore my last session.


Few stats here :- Phonak Marvel Trial Summary - Album on Imgur

2 hours no 3 beeps - as I expected, config change resets trial timer.
I will continue to monitor.

Congratulations. That is better than I expected. I guess the Phonak engineers are a bunch of dummies.

Far from dummies, it would make sense to me to do it this way.

I might re-configure them at lower level to test difference performance !

I have ordered phonak marvel m90 r trial version. They’re being held up because of the Corona virus in China. That’s where the are made. Any one else having trouble getting HA s ? Does anyone have experience with the trial version of m90 r?

My wife is wearing Unitron Moxi All 600’s. All of the Moxi Alls can have their tech level changed. I expect they’d be similar to the Phonak trial versions. I can set them at any tech level for supposedly 6 weeks. But it must not actually be measured in weeks, probably hours of use. So they would stay at whatever level I set them at for at least a couple months. Then they start beeping occasionally, increasing beep frequency for a couple of weeks IIRC until it started to bug her, then I reset them. They can be reset to any level indefinitely. In her case she couldn’t tell the difference between the 600 level and the Pro level (about 4 notches higher) so I changed them back to 600. I tried them at the 600 and Pro levels as well, which made me confident that I’d probably be happy with Marvel 30s, and I have been. Conclusion - if the Phonak trial version works the same, and if someone who’s into self programming wanted M90s and could find the trial version at a lower cost, it could be a great deal.

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HI, I’m going to get from an audilogist friend a pair of phonak paradise “demo”. I also have a noahlink wireless to program them.
I’m curios if there is a “licence” to reprogram the phonak (and remove the beep) or just having the noahlink and reprogram them once a month is enough?

i did program my HA before with an older model and using the icube . but there was no “beep beep” at that time…

many thanks



There’s no way to get rid of the beeps every 6 weeks as they are trial Aids. You’ll have to reprogram them every 6 weeks.

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thanks for the answer,

I’m aware of that, but it won’t bother me much doing it once every six week. I was just wondering if reprogramming them via noahlink is enough or if i need a kind a licence from phonak to do so… i guess i’ll just try and see what happens.



I don’t believe you’ll need a license from Phonak. They’ll continue to work despite having to reprogram them every 6 weeks.

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My next appointment is in 10 days
It does the beeping every minute on the right ear and every 3hr on the left.

I ordered the noahlink
I hope to recover my sanity in 2 days

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hello, is reprogramming still works good for you?
I’m thinking about purchasing Naidas P90 trials and reset them every six weeks too…

yes, every time you open them using the software the 6 weeks restart.
Although it’s not exactly 6 weeks, since I noticed it counts on/off as one day. or at least any charging of 10min+.
But yes.

Just look out your window for the phonak police and hide them if they show up.

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