Phonak Lumity Life Induction Chargers NEED SW update!

I’d read a sentence on one of the threads here about the charging base for my new Lumity Life aids needing a SW update? I was like, HUH? Never heard of that before.

But indeed - it’s THE TRUTH! So if you have Phonak Lumity Life aid (waterproof NOT!) with induction Phonak Go charging base, get in to see your audi for the update. Be sure to bring the charging base AND it’s power cord.

I was at my audi’s yesterday to pick up a pair of aids just back from repair, and asked if she’d heard anything about the SW update needed on the base? NOPE! Not a peep from Phonak. So I shared the news and she said, “I’m going to have to get on that Hearing Forum to find out what’s going ON!”

Luckily, I’d brought BOTH of my redundant charging bases for the update. First one plugged in for update FRIED. Mystified, she called Phonak and a new one will be sent to me. Second charging base updated A-OK as far as we could tell. So that was good, cuz that was the base that my first pair of aids sat in, and over time, they were giving me fewer hours/day of use.

Got home with my dead charging base (solid RED light on inside the box) and thought … maybe I could just “reset” the unit? So I found a Youtube video that easily shows HOW to do this HERE. Note: you have to do it while the base is PLUGGED IN.

I performed the reset, and VOILA! My base seems to have come back to life, so I’ve got a pair of aids in it charging up right now.

Funny aside: As I was driving away from the audi’s with my “fixed” pair of Lumity Life aids, the phone rang. Couldn’t answer it cuz my aids couldn’t connect with BT. I pulled over and did some basic tests: aids’ button would not change program, turn aids OFF/ON or increase/decrease volume. In short: the button was DEAD and the aids were still ON and screaming at 110 dB in my hands! I hung a U-turn went right back to the audi’s, aids SHRIEKING for all the world to run for cover. Handed them to the receptionist who told me I could wait an hour or so till audi could see me? I said, “These aids have to be shut off now! They’re like a Maserati running at 200 mph non-stop! They’ll burn out!” So she had to walk 'em back for the solution.

Turns out my audi had forgotten to “disconnect” them from her computer. WEIRDLY, the aids were still “connected” a few miles from the clinic. Don’t even ask me what Twilight Zone I beamed in from. It was the first time that’d happened to me.



OMG! You have me laughing so hard. Ithought only thing like that happened to me!

So did this fix the button issue too?

What does the update do or prevent the charger from doing?

Is this the cure for the KS10 charging issue? :rofl:

What do you mean waterproof not? Then if they’re not waterproof, we have defective aids, class action for mis-advertising that they are waterproof? Okay, did you do, how do you know this? :thinking:

My HA’ also pair to my Noahlink wireless automatically if I leave my house and come back. They remember eachother.

Yes! Right after my audi “disconnected” the aids from her computer (I didn’t see her do it cuz she had a patient with her), I was able to take control of the buttons on my aids … But. I will have to return for one last adjustment: we need to run “feedback control” on these. I have an annoying amount of feedback on the RIGHT aid, unless the volume is turned down so low I have trouble hearing. That is the final step on the check-list one should keep when picking up a pair of aids back from repair.


  1. Pair + connect aids to your cell phone; then make a call and make sure BT is working for streaming calls
  2. If you have a Roger device, bring that and make sure that the aids still stream with the device
  3. Cycle through all the programs, volume up/down, off/on, and make sure the settings are intact
  5. Oh, and most important, make sure the audi DISCONNECTS the aids from their computer so you can walk out the door with your aids powered by YOU.

I’m GLAD I’m not the only one who experiences these kinds of return visits … but I noted the waiting room was filled with BUG EYED folks staring at my SHRIEKING aids as I begged the receptionist to DO SOMETHING short of taking a ballpeen hammer to them on the spot. :smirk:


Short answer: NO IDEA. Neither me nor the audi knows what-all the software update is supposed to improve on the induction charging base. But hey, if someone told me to stand on my head and count to 20 to improve speech clarity, I’d do that, too!

As for the waterproof claim, there is an old thread here from late summer of 2022: After buying my first pair of Lumity Life so-called “waterproof” aids, I took a short swim in the pool with snorkel mask on - so my head never went below a few inches in the water. After 5 min, the aids started to balk: couldn’t “find” each other, sound quality got very weird. I dried them out in a high-end Redux dryer to no avail. They’d been SUNK and never worked again. Probably killed the speaker cuz I didn’t have a tight-fitting custom mold on the end? But that experience convinced me these Phonak Lumity Life aids are NOT waterproof as long as a person needs SPEAKERS attached to the hermetically sealed bean behind the ear.

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I bet some folks were like:

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HA! HA! HA! LOVE IT! Dirty Harry. My kinda guy. Doesn’t take no SHRIEKIN’ aids for an answer. I’m gonna say, “Go ahead. Make my day.” next time I gotta drop a pair of noisy ol’ aids off at reception. :smirk:


OMG! Those are some kinda “peepers”! Jeepers, they make me SHOUT. And then giggle right afterwards!

:eyes: back atcha!

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Its a marker that I use to mark as interesting conversation. It translates to my braille reader to indicate that a conversation is interesting to me. Glad you enjoyed it it seems a better way. Here one for the road. Thanks for your humor.

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I’m choking back a rant. Every time I left my dispensing Audi there was something major wrong. Aids? Charger? APP? Pairing?

I always asked if there was a hearing aid update. Often. There. Was. Or a new APP.

He never knew.

I’m registered with Phonak on the APP. So they could send notice

Oh. My Audi refused to do updates over the phone.

Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s. Hurray!!!

YOWCH! (my shout)… tee-hee! makes me giggle. Y’know, seeing those peepers convinces me: SIZE matters. :wink:

Bro, we are walkin’ the same ROW!

There’s no reason why Phonak can’t let SOMEONE - ANYONE! know about the necessary updates for the plethora of products they want us to buy: aids, charging base (don’t forget the CORD that plugs it into a wall), all forms of TV streaming devices and remote mics like the Roger clan.

There’s some kind of disconnect between management, product development, sales and customer support. If I was head of Customer Support at Phonak, Job #1 would be to convince management that folks using these devices need critical info about performance updates.

We’ll simply have to wait till the Prez of Phonak is so OLD him/herself that he/she needs to wear a pair of hearing aids. Y’gotta walk in our shoes to see what our challenges (and successes!) are.

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Phonak should have focus groups. I would volunteer.

In bad times I thought their product is developed by young folk with good eyesight and hearing. And dexterity.

DITTO! But y’think they’d want to hear from cranky, articulate folks like us with DECADES of experience to share and HONEST feedback on their product line?

Yeah. There’s that.

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