Phonak Lumity 90RT cannot hear in a Store enviroment

I have the Lumity 90RT and I was having issues hearing in a store environment, the speech would sound garbled.
After my last adjustment and a firmware update the autosense now seems to be jumping programs every couple of second making it worse trying to hear anyone.
The audio states he cannot adjust the speed of reaction in autosnese and they just need to be sent in.
Any thoughts?

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maybe reset the hearing aid and adjust it again?

Was there music playing in the store? If Lumity picks up music it will shift into music mode and that has a negative impact on speech. That being said…the music will sound fantastic!!


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Actually I thought there was something in target for this, haven’t got my laptop with me right now but will check this out.
I never liked AutoSense, it’s the main reason I dropped them and went to others.

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Thank you for looking.

Ok so this is what can be achieved within target software. Will it help, i dunno but at least its something to try.

That is what I was looking for.
I will take this screen shot in and see if he can adjust.

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