Phonak L90-R, Battery Life, iPhone

I have a set of Phonak L90-R HAs that were dispensed by Audiology by University of Virginia Healthcare on 10/17/22. The right rechargeable battery shuts down (tritone) around mid afternoon. I stream ~1 hour of news in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the evening using my iPhoneSE_2020. I use the Phonak TV Connecter for about 30 minutes morning and noon and about 90 minutes the evening. I probably use the phone for a total of 1-2 hours/day.

Is the battery drain the same for all of these processes or are some more intensive than others?

I do use MyPhonak, but I don’t trust what it tells me about hearing aid battery levels. Is my mistrust well deserved?


I’m told streaming via regular bluetooth takes a lot more juice than streaming via whatever the Roger/TV connector devices use. This isn’t scientific, but I started using a Roger On to stream from my tablet rather than connecting via bluetooth, because the max device limit is two and they’re already connected to my work and personal cell phones. I noticed a difference in battery drain after making that change.

The default is for bluetooth to stream from the right aid, which is probably why that one keeps dying first. You or your audiologist can change this in Target (Phonak’s programming software - not the app). If you set it to use your better ear, the power drain won’t be quite so lopsided.

In my experience, the app isn’t ‘wrong’ about battery levels so much as very laggy. Sometimes it will say 100% after I just streamed bluetooth for 30 minutes on my way to work, and I know that can’t be right. When I close it and restart it, it will be mid 90s, which is about right.

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At the time your R aid shuts down, what is the battery level on the L aid? My Bluetooth streaming is usually less than what you describe, but the batteries rarely ever fully drain in a day. They usually last around 16 hours.