Phonak coupling code for target software

i am trying to program my phonak audeo 90 aids and the target software keeps asking for a coupling code any ideas

Can you provide a screen clip of the notification/request?
Also see How to find Fitting Software to Program Your Hearing Aids [DIY] scrolling down to locked hearing aids. What’s the history of your hearing aids?

i got the hearing aids from my uncle he got them from the va

What programming device are you using?

See How to choose a programming device to Program Your Hearing Aids [DIY].


i am trying to use the i cube ii

I don’t know what a coupling code is. What if you just set each of the acoustics selections to match the hearing instruments receivers/domes and leave the coupling code blank?

You shouldn’t need the coupling code to program them , I’ve never needed to, as pvc says just carry on and do the programming without it.

The coupling code is required only for a Phonak custom ear piece (SlimTip or cShell) that has AOV (Acoustically Optimized Venting) technology. The code is a six-digit number that is engraved on the shell. To optimize the calculated frequency response of the hearing aid, it should be entered in the Fitting Software “Acoustic Parameter” Section.


Love this forum. Didn’t expect this detail to be documented! Was already worrying that it would have something to do with locked hearing aids. ( I am buying 2nd hand Bolero B90’s tomorrow.)