Phonak ComPilot disconnects on one hearing aid

A few months ago, I started using Phonak ComPilot, but since the start I have experienced a problem with the connection to my left hearing aid.

When I use ComPilot streaming music or phone calls from my iPhone5, or when connected to Comfort Audio DC20, ComPilot occasionally disconnects my left hearing aid. When I pause the streaming and restart it, both hearing aids work again. It never happens with my right hearing aid, only the left.

I went to my audiologist today, who thought that the problem was that my hearing aid batteries only were 270mAh, so I switched to 310mAh. However, this did not solve the problem, the left hearing aid still disconnects after streaming for 30 min-1 hr.

Has anyone experienced the same problem or has any idea what might solve the problem?

I’m experiencing the same problem. Left hearing aid only. The problem is not always present.
My audi changed the neck loop, but that didn’t solved the problem.
I will ask him about that on my next visit.

Could be a problem with the antenna in the left HA. Also could be a problem if the HA is a mini or petite HA, they have no antenna. The ComPilot also has to be centered between the two HA’s otherwise it will cut in and out. It could also be a problem with compatibility of the phone, I have problems with my Streamer staying connected with anything made by Apple, try a different phone and see if the problem continues.

I experience the exact same thing with my Naida S aids. Also on the left side. I hadn’t suspected that the antenna was the issue because it seemed completely unaffected by movement or tension of the neck loop. My antenna did recently fail, though, so I’ll have to see how it behaves when I replace it.

My HAs do this about 1 hour before the needs charging message (ComPilot battery low) comes on. I use that to determine when the ComPilot goes in the charger.

Where did you find the higher capacity batteries? Also, how did you find out the output of each battery?

I have the Nadia S and Compilot. In my case, each HA would cut out. I got good at opening the battery door and closing it while on the call to get the HA back. Finally got tired of that so I told the audiologist who sent both HAs and Compilot back to Phonak. The problem has not recurred since (over 6 months).

I still have the problem where the mic in the Compilot seems super sensitive. When I am in my car, all I hear is wind, road and ambient sounds. It seems the Sompilot is pciking all that up and sending to my HAs. Grrrr.

Concerning the left HA turning off: Have you tried rotating the antenna, switching each lead to the other side? This could determine if the antenna is the problem.

Concerning the sensitive ComPilot mic: I keep my phone volume as loud as it will go and then adjust the volume in my HA’s with the ComPilot. This eliminates wind noise for me.