Phonak Brio direct input and Roger Pen


I’ve been using the Phonak Brio B-SP from Costco since I got them in March of 2015. I got the Compilot, TV-Link and Remote Mic with them. The remote mic is pretty disappointing, it seems to drop signal a lot when blocked by hair or clothing, it does function as a lapel mic otherwise but I get the impression that a Roger Pen might have be worth the second-hand eBay cost. I’m hearing that the Roger has a good ability to discriminate speech in background noise, to zoom in on the speaker even from a bit of distance, and it relies on FM I think so may be more robust in, say a situation where I am surveying at work and need to hear someone who is wearing the pen 20 ft from me?
I digress. I’m looking for information on which direct input shoe and/or integrated Roger receiver to purchase for my specific aids. I know that each of the Costco Phonak aids have a non-Costco equivalent. Which model of Phonak aid does the Brio B-SP match up to? I am trying to find both the correct model of direct input shoe and the correct model of Roger integrated receiver to connect to my aids.

Thanks for your help with this. I realize my Costco aids are not the most recent even available from them. I also know that it may seem a bit off course for me to make inquiries online vs at my Costco store or with an audi, but I am trying to save money buying direct and it’s a long drive to my Costco store.

I bought all my Roger equipment off eBay as well and it’s worked very well.

yep almost the same as that image. And I dig your ear mold colors Zebras!

Take no notice of my pervious links as they are the wrong HA.

Your Brio SPs are the same as the Bolero SPs.

Thanks Zebras I was typing a similar question to you as you posted this! The Bolero B-SP, I will look for equivalent receivers or direct input shoes to use with the Roger X type.
Now I’m just wondering if I will still be able to use stream music and such easily from my smartphone if I switch from Compilot to Roger technology.

If you want intergrated receivers you’ll need the Roger 16 receivers.

I own both a ComPilot and a Roger system. I prefer to use the ComPilot for music as it’s stereo.

Ate you able to use the compilot without removing the integrated recievers? And do I need one or two recievers for the Roger to function fully?

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Yes you can use with ComPilot without having to remove anything.

If you want intergrated receivers, you’ll need 2, one for each HA.

If you get a Roger X receiver, you can get by with just 1 as you can connect it to your ComPilot.

This is how you would connect a Roger X receiver to the ComPilot.


One of the reasons I like the idea of having the Roger is that it seems I can use it without a neckloop? Assuming I get the integrated receivers - this sounds like the best setup - if I understand you correctly: Integrated receivers (A16? When I look at this link
at the bottom of the page “Find Roger receivers for Phonak Hearing Aids” and I select the Bolero B, SP model, it points to the Roger 18. But when I follow this link:Roger Support Center - Roger Configurator | Phonak - life is on?charset=UTF-8&brand=PHONAK&category=HS0154&product=050-0132
for the Roger Configurator, the Bolero B, SP is not an option. My best closest guess is the Bolero Q, SP, which does point to the Roger 16.

So, I am leaning toward the 16 based on your recommendation. (But they are currently not available on ebay :frowning:

So with the correct integrated receiver, I am then free from my compilot except for when I want to use to it to stream music from my phone (because it’s in stereo). In the meantime, I am bringing my Roger Pen along for day to day situations where I want to hear better in noise, meetings, or other situations where I need the assistance.

So just hoping for some final clarification/link/proof that the Brio B, SP is going to work with the 16 receiver, not the 18.

Thanks again for all your help with this though.

Your HAs are equal to the Bolero Q90 SP. The Bolero B SP are different hearing aids.

I had a look on eBay and couldn’t find the Roger 16 receivers.

I would go with the intergrated receivers, it’s so much easier and handy.

I also use my Roger Pen and Roger Clip on Mic to listen to TV and also social gatherings.

Thanks for clearing up the Bolero model info. I’ll keep a look out on ebay for A16 receivers. Glad to hear you use the Roger Pen at social gatherings. Any chance you have the “Remote Mic” for your Compilot? I have one, and I am wondering how the Roger set up compares to it

The Remote Mic I believe is omi-Directional. I had a Remote Mic for a short while, I didn’t think much of it. It was very sensitive and picked up a lot of background noise.