Phonak Brio 3

Here’s a silver lining for self programmers. You can just tuck this information away in the memory bank between your ears. Later when Brio 2’s and Brio 3’s show up for sale on EBay, the Brio 2’s will likely be priced much lower.

Then you can buy a pair of Brio 2’s for dirt cheap and program them yourself.

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I had a hearing test done today at Costco. Thanks to a recent shooting event, my hearing has gotten worse in both ears. I tested the new Brio 3’s in the store. I was very impressed with the background noise cancelling. Almost nothing. I was not having such great results with hearing. I took them back and he adjusted the volume and they still weren’t right. The Bernafon’s I’ve had for 7 years were better. Maybe it’s just that I’m used to them and not to the Phonaks? I want to do another demo before deciding to invest $2500 in new HA’s and see if he can do a better fit. If the hearing improves, the background elimination alone would sell me on them.


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So I have had these for about 3 to 4 weeks now. I can say that yes my hearing is much better and with regards to the Sound Recover 2, I can really tell the difference with it on in a restaurant setting. It really cuts “out” a lot of the background noise so that I can hear people that I am sitting with at the table.

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Here ius a link to the Phonax
Brio Product Information. It should give you what your want. If you want more ask the Costco specalist and they should give it to your. I have the Brio 3 and got the additional information above this link’s from Costco. But the link is enough unless you are looking for really technical stuff.

I got hearing tested at Costco and ordered Phonak Brio yesterday. Have had two Bernafon and one Oticon set in 20 years. Am interested in your experience with your new set. Thanks for sharing.

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I just received my Brio 3 from Costco last night. Previously I had been wearing the KS-7, which were a huge improvement from the KS-6. I tried the KS-8, but they seemed similar to the KS-7 except for streaming. The audi said the Brio 3 would be a big improvement from the KS-7. He also said the Brio 3 was not the latest Beyond platform, but the one previous. The new platform adds streaming directly to your device, but many of the features were put into the Brio 3 (SoundRecover 2 etc.)
Looking forward to trying them out, so far it seems I am able to understand speech better.


I’ve had my first two weeks with the new Brio 3 from Costco Wholesale. They have been quite remarkable, comfortable to wear and a full two weeks with Size 13 batteries before I needed to change yesterday. I am wearing them the entire day. I have had to learn to adjust the sound levels - up and down - but have discovered more sounds that I could ever dream of hearing.

If anything, I might like the program changed to a slightly more natural sound and with a stronger lower decibel pitch. Not sure how this is accomplished but I will ask the Costco audiologist in a future visit.