Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R Experience

A miracle.
Last night I attended a concert
I went in early. He had already set up. But no one was on stage

Jake Shimabukuro is a virtuoso playing “ the most underrated” instrument. It was in Oakville.

I was sitting waiting. His music was playing.
I turned on my Phonak.
Was the program autosense selected. I saved it so I could find it again.

I’ve never seen my Phonak select MUSIC. in 3+ years of use

Jake came out. In the introduction we were advised to turn off everything electronic. I did

I tried to select MUSIC using the buttons on the hearing aids

I was concerned about battery capacity. Saved programs seem to eat up the juice in my HA batteries

Life changing. Jake is a humble man. His career jumped when a YouTube video went viral 18 years ago.

Turns out I was in autosense. Phone was off.

The Music program was amazingIdlove to hear Jake play using my Paradise MUSIC program


I’ve said hearing aids need to play music better.

20 plus years HOH.

Truth is I need to learn how to use my Paradise P90R ha’s better.

In the finale my smart watch said 101 dB once. I hope Jake’s hearing is ok.
I was in seat G1.

Don’t think that my Autosence 4.0 will do that but if you put your phone in plane mode Bluetooth will remain on, so that you can still use the app to change programs if you need to.
I’m glad you had a great time, I love music too and listen to stuff on our home CD player and also recorded operas (clasic) type stuff on the TV


Great idea! Next time.

The fellow in front of me took video a long long time. The bright screen bugged me.
He was from Hawaii too

One of the songs was Hallelujah. I watched Leonard Cohen
‘S concert about 1969. He played it. Sang it

University days