Phonak Audeo Paradise P90 - Is Autosense the only program needed?

Thanks Hooby, but that is what I meant by
“I have to go through the menu system to get it to show “Music (Automatic)” ?”
It all takes time.

Ok I don’t understand what you want. What I suggested does not go through any menu options at all.

It depends upon your programming. My autosense music program has less noise reduction that autosense quiet (for example) Hence when it switches in I can notice the increase in aircon noise etc. As you say you can see which austosense program is on by looking via the autosense menu to see which of the autosense programs are active. shrug When doing dedicated music listening playing - however - as mentioned I have a custom program which is much more appropriate.

Sure you CAN use the streamer - which will put you in a streaming program (although some will also have music vs non-music switching in streaming - depends on how it is set up)- or do what I do and set the HAs manually to the TV program which doesn’t change with music. As TV viewing is often for a couple of hours - and I find speech quite intelligible AT HOME with that program - it is no imposition for me.

It takes time to SEE what is happening - not for it to happen. I agree with @Hooby - I don’t really understand what you want… If you can’t tell if it has switched - does it matter?

Sorry Hooby, I accept I did not explain myself very well. I felt that Oz-Tack was suggesting that he could see or hear the Autosense programs change in real-time. However, I had to use the slider (as you said), then the reading would show you the current Autosense program but it would stay on this reading and not show changes as they happen. You could only get an update by going back to “Automatic” and using the slider again.
I note that Oz-Tack has answered my detecting change question with the quote “when it switches in I can notice the increase in aircon noise etc.”

Thanks Oz-Tack: My wife and I have both have problems understanding speech on some TV programs because of background music or mumbling actors. Until I read your post, it never occurred to me that Autosense would be changing to music. Your idea to use a custom TV program is perfectly logical but we could not get this to work for us. My audiologist said that I should not need to buy a TV connector but is unable to provide me with a program to replace it. We find the TV connector life-changing because some documentaries and films were impossible to understand without it. Can you suggest any settings or procedures I can give to my audiologist to create a satisfactory custom TV program?

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As far as the TV setting - well I simply use the included one in the Easyline app - which is the same as “speech in quiet” I believe. That works really well for me. As I already have three pre-programmed settings (autosense, Telecoil and Music) this leaves a 4th ‘slot’ free for manual selection with the switch on the KS10s. In the current firmware, once you select or modify a program in easyline it gets assigned to that 4th “empty” slot - so now I can manually select it when listening to the TV without reverting to using easyline - unless I want to.
Your Audi should be able to recommend approppriate settings for you but in the end - IMHO some of the sound on TV shows is appalling anyway and NO amount of correction is going to help :smiley: I am ok about 90% of the time BUT I do find american regional accents can be hard for me - which may be part of being Australian :wink:

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I have Phonak Audéo P90-R; maybe 3 months old. I have successfully made a custom program for listening to audiobooks which works well when I am alone. The AutoSense program generally works fine for everything else. However, when my family gets together the background noise is intense, and can be very shrill in frequency. How do I create a custom program that is primarily noise canceling in nature and aim at high frequencies in particular. Think teenage girls giggling, yelling, loud-laughing, just general merriment that they should enjoy without having “Quiet down, remember Dad” interventions. Thoughts? Thank you. MJ

I have Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s. I’ve visited the audiologist several times for custom programming…

I like the idea of using the autosense program and having the hearing aids change settings to optimize my hearing.
Along the way I found I could understand what was said better if I pushed the “clarity” button on the App. So I saved this program labelling it as “autosense with clarity” I made several other changes.

A simple test has proven that this is wrong.

In a noisy washroom at an extemely noisy hand dryer if I’m in auto the app shows "extemely noisy " and the volume is reduced.
If I switch to the program I saved and called “autosense with clarity” the program does not change. It stays in the “calm” mode saved.

I’m having trouble finding the proper settings so that I can clearly understand what I said, and leave the hearing aids in the “autosense” mode. I’m constantly pulling out my phone to change the app. That’s irritating.


Your audiologist might make changes to autosense,but that will be for all the time. Custom saved programs from autosense will be in whatever mode it was running is at the time, not an autosense with your changes. You can see what autosense is doing at any moment if you tap in the bottom right corner from remote control on the settings icon. When it takes you to the next screen, it will say in small print what program it is running. Saving a custom program creates a program running this particular program, not autosense.



Thanks. That’s what I just proved to myself You described better.

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Hi there

Similar to others, 95% of the time my Phonak Audéo P90 hearing aids are in the “AutoSense” mode. For me the “AutoSense 4.0” was also one of the main reasons to go with Phonak as new hearing aids in comparison with the Signia 7AX hearing aids where I had to change the program often by a manual action to adapt the current hearing situation.

Mine are the older Marvels, but Autosense is the only program I need…except for T-Coil that I use occasionally with an FM receiver and neck-loop. T-Coil is teh ONLY time I change programs and is the only other preset program I have.
Autosense just plain works once everything is set up.

I tried some oticons before getting these and was constantly fiddling between different manually selectable programs for different situations