Phonak Audeo P30-R not connecting

I have Phonak Audeo P30-R HAs.
For a long time I had connection problems with various Bluetooth devices, and other problems. I changed my Audiologist and initially the new ones also could not fix all the problems. I then saw mention of a firmware update on this forum.

A different audiologist (apparently more knowledgeable) saw me, did the update and for several months things have been working well - once I take my P30-Rs off the charger in the morning they quickly connect to the myPhonak app on my Samsung phone, I can see what charge each one has, can select a different program, change amplification level in either HA, etc.

But a couple of days ago they would not connect. Disconnecting or unpairing, then turning them off and on to put them in pairing mode, was unsuccessful, each morning I now have to uninstall and reinstall the myPhonak app, pair and connect in order to get them to connect, show me what charge each aid has and generally allow the control I should have in the myPhonak app.

Can anyone suggest what has caused this, eg has a deficient update been recently released, or etc. More importantly, can you suggest a cure please?