Phonak Audéo Marvel M90 - AutoSense OS 3.0

Hey guys.

My name is Marcos.
I’m a telecommunications engineer and new to the world of hearing aids.
Trying to understand the features of PhonaK to help my girlfriend fit her own hearing aids.

In fact, we have already started configuring them through Target Software and came across a question regarding the AutoSense 3.0 feature.

I understand that it is possible to enable only 03 interchangeable programs using the hearing aid switch.
However, autoSense 3.0 appears as “Linked Program” to these 03 configured.

Can AutoSense switch only between these 03 linked programs or between all the others created?

Autosense is switching between (and mixing ) all programms in the Automatic Programms Section (orange). All Programms in orange are belonging to AutoSense !
AutoSense switch only through the orange naranja programms

If you have added aditional proramms (light blue) they stand separate and do not belong to AutoSense. Additional linked programs are solo and no AutoSense !

The separate additional programms could accessed via pressing the button or through the MyPhonak App.



Phonak AutoSense OS Explained


Thank you very much, Firenzel!

This isn’t exactly what you asked, but for the custom programs (the three at the bottom), “linked” just means that if you change a setting in one of the custom programs, the same setting will change in the autosense version of the program. They don’t have to be linked. If they’re not linked, you can copy one of the autosense programs, then change the settings of the copied version without affecting anything in autosense.

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Thank you CombatWombat, for the valuable information!!

A doubt arose while I was working on the programs.
Is it necessary to configure AutoSense as 01 of the 03 manual programs (like linked programs)?

Or by configuring it the way below, I can have 1 + 3 programs via button (AutoSense + 03 Additional programs)?

It depends what outcome/behaviour you want.
In your case the hearing aids startup with Autosense , and you can manually select the programms 1 , 2 , 3 by long press on the upper/frontal hearing aid button on the device.
After program 3 you get back to Autosense.
If you use the other/down button you are toggling backwards - If you are curently in Autosense then you reach first programm 3, then 2, then 1, then Autosense again.

If you want that the hearing aids not start into Autosense after start then you need to remove the checkmark INÌCIO in the Autosense programm and set it to the desired programm 1 , 2 or 3

If you not want/need AutoSense then remove checkmark ACCESSO , to disable Autosense completele

Thank you again, Firenzel!