Phonak Audeo Lumity L90 and Bluetooth Connectivity

Hi @ericlandau

Phonak Target and the Noahlink Wireless are the program and hardware, that your Audiologist uses to program your HAs. It’s the same worldwide. I’m one of the many geeks on here that self programs :slight_smile:

I use Android, so don’t have much knowledge on how Phonak HAs connect, and communicate, with ios. With my BMW (2016), if I answer the call with the HAs it goes to the hearing aids, If I answer it with the green button on the steering wheel, it goes to the hands free.

As I stated in my earlier post, the MyPhonak app will only pair with one HA pair at a time.
To get your spare marvels to work in the app:

  1. Delete the 3 pairing for your Lumities from Bluetooth
  2. Start the app, and forget you lumities via the devices tab, then you can pair your Marvels. You don’t need to reinstall the app.
  3. Pair your hearing aids in Bluetooth (1 connection) for calls and audio.

You don’t really need to remove the pairing for your Lumity Calls/Audio.

Hope this helps


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Thanks for the explanation on those terms. I have good support when necessary, so will leave working inside the engine room to the experts. Yes, I knew I could delete/pair as you described, but for the brief period when the Lumitys were away I did not need or want to bother. I rarely use the app anyway.

As an aside, the Lumity failure mode which got them sent back was strange. On phone calls, the H/A mic audio could be heard as what in the telephone business is called sidetone, i.e. in the telephone handset earpiece or in this case in my ears via the H/As. However, although I could hear the caller’s audio through the aids, my mic audio did not get transferred to the iPhone so could not be heard by the caller. Now all fixed. Cheers!


All good, not heard of “sidetone”, I’ll look into it. I’m retired now, and this is my new “job”, apart from cooking my wife’s meals that is :wink:

Like you, I very rarely use the app.


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Hi, PeterH, I have the Audeo P90-R HAs. The software I use to manage them is MyPhonak. I’ve not seen the Noahlink/Target, which is used by the Audiologist. MyPhonak lets you create personal adjustment programs that you can use in different situations, like crowded rooms, music, clarity, etc. It also displays the current battery levels. You can manually set each HA via a slide bar.

I’ve used these HAs with Samsung S8, iPhone12 and S24+. Everything works very well except phone calls. They will hang up somewhere between 5 seconds and 30+ minutes; very aggravating. I can Bluetooth to everything else I have. In the car they will connect to the car radio or stay on my HAs. It varies. I have found I can stop unwanted connections by going into the (Android) setup for Bluetooth and switching off the setting for Audio. This is handy when I’m playing music on, say, a Beats Pill and I’m going in and out of the garage. If I get too far away the music switches to the HAs, so turning off the audio for the HAs prevents that.

Other than dropping the phone calls, they are pretty good HAs. The nightly recharge is nice instead of using batteries. They are pretty consistent in how long a charge lasts.


Hi Peter,

There are many things you can do - just depends on your phone.

1.If you have an apple you can actually go into your bluetooth settings and click the cogg on the right and it should allow you to choose if you want phone call or audio. - this will allow you maybe just listen to music without phone calls or just phone calls without the media. This will also mean that the connection still is connected - but the call or audio can be disabled at any time

  1. If you go to settings/ accessibility/touch/ scroll down to audio call routing - you will be able to set up how your phone calls come in , if you make it automatic your calls will be answer from “Where” you answer it for example, if you are driving and you get a call you can either tap your ear - call will come into your hearing aid , touch the answer button on your phone - this will come through to your mobile , or touch the button on the car - this will then come through the speakers on your car.

  2. You will also need to go to sound setting and you can turn off all phone sounds, like keyboard clicks, lock and screen sounds - lots of different options.

  3. You can go into notifications an turn off your notifications for certain apps - i generally just leave Emails, Messages and Socials on for my clients - otherwise there phones end up beeping at them all day - which yes is very annoying

  4. Your Clinician can Change the way you connect to the Tv connector - at the moment it sound like its set up to automatic , this can be changed to Manual - so you can either use your app or the program button to access it when you want.

there are many different ways to combat these issues , if you have any more just ask:)


Hi Arthur,
Do you have the Tap feature enabled?

I have found recently when calls are dropping out for some of my clients its because they put their glasses on or brush their hair or even some times just touch their face.
I had one client who was able to tap her cheek twice to answer and end her calls lol - very sensitive.

If it is on - ask your clinician to either 1 - take it off - you can answer with the volume control , or make the tap less sensitive - however with this you may then find answering the calls slightly tougher you may have you tap your ear harder.

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Sidetone is simply the characteristic of conventional telephones by which you hear a low level of your handset microphone audio in its earpiece. Without that it would be like talking into a piece of wood, i.e. no sensation that the instrument is live. It’s always been part of telephony.

Enjoy your cooking duties; I’m happy to leave that to my better half since we are both long retired and she enjoys it. I think the Brits have gotten a bad rap on their food. When in London and Bath, we enjoyed fish and chips, mushy peas, bangers and mash, scones with clotted cream, etc. I’ll pass on black pudding, and will leave the small portions of haute cuisine to the French versus the hearty portions usually provided in England. Somehow we missed out on bubble and squeak. I guess that’s a home leftover dish rather than something to be featured in restaurants.

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Hi Alex, I don’t know what the tap feature is or where to find it. I have an Android, Samsung S24+. But calls will drop with the phone just sitting in a holder on the desk.

I need to make an appointment to have them check it out. Everything else is okay so maybe a setting like you said but it’s not consistent in its behavior

I found the tap control in MyPhonak app. It is and was turned off

Other thing to look at is the Bluetooth Connection - if it is fixed or adaptive.
Fixed will be a better stable connection , adaptive will be better audio quality but poorer connection . You should be able to check this as well on the app under devices - then Bluetooth phone calls.

My wife couldn’t hear me talk at all on “fixed”. All has been good for me with “Adaptive” (on 3 pairs of Phonaks). I know it doesn’t work for all though. :grinning:

Yes , Generally I find it a combination of type of Phone, area you live, type of hearing loss, if you have open or closed domes and what the Phonak calls settings are on the software. that’s why its great we have such choice with Phonak.

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Thanks for the sidetone explanation, which makes a lot of sense.

I believe the worldwide opinion of English food is outdated, although, I tend to still go for the high carb meals I had as a child. There was no Pasta in the 1960s in my house, most meals included potatoes. We also had pies, which used pastry to keep the ingredients inside, and safe for the industrial environment. I’m with you on Black Pudding. Tripe is something I “may” have eaten as a young child, but it just seems gross now.

My favourite foods now, are generally British versions of Indian Curry, Mac & Cheese or Pizza :slight_smile:

All good fun


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This is the same on my Android, and works pretty well.

I’ll look at the other suggestions. I know I could go into each app for notifications, but generally, I’ve filtered it all down to not annoy me.

Phonak have great features. Most automatic settings are very good, but they come into their own (to me) with the ability to customise them to your needs, including how to interact with accessories. For me, disabling Autosense has been the main one for me, but this wouldn’t be right for others.

I have:
Bolero Marvel M70
Audeo Paradise P90
Naida Paradise P30

With all three, I use the “flat, none directional” Music program as startup. It’s the nearest I can get to my 2009 Analogue aids. It’s noisy, but unfiltered, so I hear everything. I then try to mentally filter out the background noise.

I generally have a manually switchable “speech in noise” type programme along with it, if it gets too much in a crowded environment.

What we’ve found on this great forum, is that what works for one, might not work for all.

Cheers Peter

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I hate this feature too, especially if I’m on a Teams call for work, and a notification/call pops up on my phone, it cuts off my laptop audio so I can only hear my phone.
Really annoying!

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Thanks, Alex. I have switched to stable and will try that for a while.

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I went on the Phonak Pro site a while back. Searched for myPhonak. The only discussion there was about setting up my hearing aids remotely using the APP.

My original dispensing audi, and my hearing instrument specialist don’t/won’t do that. They want me to sit in the chair where they are so they can bill.

Is that the reason that the myPhonak APP doesn’t work for us as users? We have a different goal. We want to hear better. My dispensing audi didn’t know how to set up my Phonak Paradise P90R’s. He never checked for hearing aid OS updates until I asked (on each visit). I had to repair my hearing aids every time I visited because he had done it wrong. I dreaded visiting the dispensing audi, but had many visits.

I wish that the myPhonak APP worked better for me.

I was with my dispensing audi for about 2 years. I could never hear with my Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s.

My thought is that i’ve fallen down a rabbit hole. Directional mics, stored programs and dynamic noise control? These features plain didn’t work while I was in his care.

There should be some easy way for the dispensing audi to make sure that the hearing aids were setup right. He used REM all the time.

There are many good audis. My take is that the ones here that post with us are the very best.
I’m not bashing audis.

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Switching to stable seems to have fixed the problem. I was on the phone for an hour with no disconnect. Huzzah! I hope it holds.