Is there a way that you can prevent it in some way?
The devices so that they don’t have such a big difference when it automatically changes programs. Sound volume and background sounds make such a big difference that it drives you crazy.
Hi Jonas,
Yes - there are various ways you can do this.
First of all, in the programmer for Phonak, there is a setting called “Program Transition Speed” - this is a slider that goes between very slow and very fast. So you could slow this down.
Each program in Phonak - Calm Situation, Speech in noise, Speech in noise, speech in car, comfort in noise, comfort in echo and Music can be individually programmed. You can reprogram a program to be based on another. So for example, if you want the Music program to sound like the calm program, you can do a “Reset Fine Tuning”, based on Calm Situation.
Each program also has it’s own fitting parameters, so the lows, mid, highs, in fact all 20 channels can be programmed and each one has settings where you can customise how it behaves. So if you don’t want too much noise reduction in the “Speech in noise” program you can set “NoiseBlock” to off or Weak, so the background sounds are similar to calm situation. But be careful, you may want to block out background sounds.
Some users on here, for example @PeterH have disabled all automatic switching by turning off Autosense. This is also possible.
@glucas I suppose you are talking about this one below?
I’m wondering if I would be able to use the programmer for Phonak with my K10s from Costco. Does anyone know if that’s possible? Thank you.
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For doing all this changes i need to go to the audiologist?
How will the streaming works if you turn Autosense off?
Why have all this automatic program different overall sound level I mean if i put the sound down to -1 and it automatic changes program and the level is back to 0.
I have a also tried Oticon real 1 one and in that i dont have this issues but as i want (need) BT classic in work to connect with the computer thats why i decided to try this Phonark.
Hi Jonas,
Yes, they will need to make settings in Target. You don’t need to make ALL the changes. I think you should just start with the program transition speed - and see if that makes any difference.
Streaming should not be affected by switching Autosense off.
With respect to sound, if you put the volume up and autosense changes program (automatically) - it will keep to that volume - but the volume won’t necessarily be the same as it’s a different program e.g. speech in noise. But if you manually change the program to another, it will default back to zero.
Yes. Regular Phonak Target program works on the Costco/Phonak devices. KS10 also requires the Noahlink Wireless.