Phonak Audeo B vs Costco Brio 2, OR Unitron Moxie 500 vs. KS7

Hi, I’m posting this on behalf of my Dad who is shopping for HAs in Canada. A local shop has offered him the following models, in response to the Costco options:

  1. Audeo B by Phonak for CAD$3,000 (versus Brio 2 by Costco)
  2. Moxie 500 by Unitron for CAD$2,000 (versus Kirkland Signature 7 by Costco)

Any feedback on how these options compare is greatly appreciated.


I’d take the Kirkland Signature 7 over the Unitron Moxi 500. The Unitron is a much more basic aid.
Which Audeo B? There are B90, B70, B50, and B30 and also rechargeable ones that are B90R, B70R and B50R. If it’s a B90 or B90R, I’d definitely take that over the Brio 2.

Hi, thanks for the reply. Those prices were for the B70. For the B90, it would be CAD$5600 while the rechargeable Audeo B90-R (with BCAA discount) would be CAD$6025.
So, a big jump in price.

So there’s a few things to consider. 1) What kind of listening situations does your Dad find himself in? Does he pretty much stay at home or is he likely to be in situations where he’s dealing with a lot of extraneous noise? If he’s mainly at home and dealing with quiet conversations, just about any hearing aid will help. Dealing with conversations in very noisy rooms is another story and sometimes even the most advanced hearing aid won’t help 2) What’s the difference in desirability between the local shop and Costco? Things such as distance needed to travel, how well you like/know them, etc. 3) How tight is money?