I’ll probably list the starter kit on eBay. (If anyone is interested pls message me - they are size #2).
Just put them on eBay. Starting bid is $80.
Silcone Slim-Tips are also available in 4 sizes alongside the Titanium SlimTip, I use both
Hi, I am interested in hearing about anyone’s experience using the Phonak Active vent receiver. My new hearing aids will have the active vent, and I am interested in getting the pros and cons. I am hoping that the receiver will help with some of the streaming issues that I have as well as helping with the sound leakage that I get (that generally annoys my family). Thanks
Good: Very clear streaming, both music and phone calls/ video teleconferencing etc.
Bad: Some do not like the click noise when the receiver changes mode.
Other: The wax traps are easier to change, but I feel like they are not as effective as the regular receivers take.
When in closed mode (listening to streamed content) you may be really cut off from environmental sound. A lot. (I wear a light on my hat so my wife knows I’m streaming and not ignoring her!)
Coming up on two years with MAV receivers in a couple months.
What about quality and speech understanding with ActiveVent? Better or no difference from traditional mold with vent?
How long do they last? I was watching a Dr. Cliff video about how good Activevent is but that the warranty only being 6months and they seem to die in the over 6months but under 1 year due to the environment they live in day to day. And due to the price it can get costly.
My right makes it to 6 months most of the time. More or less. The left usually goes a year. I think ear wax seeps in and gums up the mechanism.
May I ask how expensive they currently are in 2024 to replace? I see my Audiologist on 10/7/24 and she is resistant to anything but domes but I want to talk to her about custom molds and possible use of Activevent. I need better retention and currently with vented domes the streaming sound is awful until i put my finger in my ear with the dome. Thanks for the reply.
They don’t cost me anything. I get full hearing care for free because a determination was made my hearing loss was related to when I worked for the military service.
My audiologist when I was Austin Texas handed me a bottle of EarGene and said it would help for itching, but it has also cured my issues with ear wax.