I’m updating to Phillips 9050 from my 8 yr old Phonak Ventures and I’ve learned that Costco’s policy doesn’t allow them to install the tinnitus program. Does anyone know if the tinnitus program be installed on Costco purchased Phillips 9050’s from an independant provider, OR are they proprietized for Costco to the extent that the tinnitus program cannot be installed by anyone ? I have severe tinnitus and not being able to get the tinnitus program installed may be a non-starter for me, but I’ll wait and try them out for a while as the value can’t be beat.
Yes the tinnitus controller is available still, it’s just that Costco won’t switch it on, so you could do this as a DIY project, it’s pretty hard to find an alternative clinic to offer to help out, and even if you do the cost could be expensive.
The admonitions in the fitting software to warn your client about limiting usage and possible hearing damage from overuse would probably turn me off!
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Thanks for response… I’m suppose to have these fitted today, so will check it out. I thought you would have to have the software to activate or install a program, but if’s it already installed, hopefully will be able to activate it. Do you know of any threads that show how to do this ?
Yeah sure just head on over to the DIY forum.
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