Philips TV Adapter required?

I’m new to the world of HA and will pick up a Philips 9040 today.
We have a fairly new smart TV - LG evo- at home. I was able to connect a Phonak trial to it.
Can I just use the same way to connect the Philips ones or am I required to get the TV adapter?

You’ll need the TV streamer. They’re probably available on ebay, if you want to save money. I expect Costco has some in stock, too, if you don’t want to wait or if you want brand new.

Phonak uses standard Bluetooth, so it can connect to the standard BT of most electronics. Other HA don’t.

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If your smart TV supports standard Bluetooth, it’s probably better to get the Audio Clip instead of the TV Adapter. That way, you can use it to connect to any BT device, rather than limit yourself to connecting only to the TV with a TV Adapter.


Good point, thank you

I have both, and I’d still prefer the TV streamer for the TV. The sound quality is much better with the TV adapter, and you have the ability to adjust the bass, mids, and highs.


Yes, and latency (lip sync/sound delay) is lower since it’s Bluetooth LE and not Bluetooth Classic. So always use TV Adapter if possible. LE Audio with Auracast will replace TV Adapters in the future.

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Thank you everyone for your input.
I made a on spot switch and ordered the new Reach instead as it has the latest tech and should work for me apparently the same as the Philips. I’ll have to wait for a few weeks for the fitting.
So Reach has the new LE Audio.
I still have to research if that can connect to our TV directly?

It might work if your TV supports LW audio. The last time I looked, only the newest Samsungs qualify. There are some after-market devices that claim to support LE Audio, but the standard is new, and connecting devices together is iffy. The LE audio in new HAs is not standard BT.