Philips 9040: way to turn off Hearlink 2 app notification pings?

I occasionally get a reverberating ping in one of my aids. These apparently announce notifications from the Hearlink 2 app on my iPhone. On the phone they appear as notifications on the lock screen, and if I open Hearlink 2 I’ll see an announcement that connection to one or the other of the aids has been lost or re-established.

I don’t need or want such pings in the aids. I especially don’t need or want them when I’m in engaged in some activity in another room from the phone. I don’t see any way in Hearlink 2 to turn off the pings. Is there a way?

Curious - I have never had such notifications (I also have the 9040) and Hearlink 2 doesn’t run all the time for me - when I do start it there is a delay while it connects to the aids, but never a ping in my ear.

I just tried an experiment where I left the phone in one end of the house and walked far enough away so that HearLink disconnected, then walked back. No ping, no notification.

Are you using iPhone or Android phone? If iPhone, in the Hearing Devices menu, do you have the option Play System Sounds disabled or enabled?

It must be an iPhone setting. I don’t get those pings with my Google Pixel 6a.

Play System Sounds was enabled. I wasn’t sure which sounds were included, and I didn’t want to suppress audio tones to the aids indicating incoming text messages. But I just tested, and those are not “System Sounds”. I’ve disabled Play System Sounds; I’ll have to wait a few days to be sure that’s the solution. I assumed the Hearlink 2 app generated the pings, but that could be wrong.

They may not be System sounds, but they may be the HearLink app notification sounds. If so, if you’re using a iPhone, go to that app in the Settings menu and go into its Notifications window and there should be options to turn off the Notification sounds in there.

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Within the app, I’d turned off More::My Profile::Important news … updates but now I’ve turned off Settings::Notifications::Hearlink 2::Sounds.

BTW, before turning off Important news … updates I got about one a day, unchanged, saying something to the effect of “Hey, enjoy this redo of the app!”

I have an iPhone and don’t get these pings.