Philips 9040 and Rexton BiCore Comparisons?

Went to Costco last week (one month wait, sigh) to get new hearing test and adjustments to my KS10 as well as to try out Philips. The end of the visit was a bit of disarray, due to running over time and the fitter having another appointment. So I did not get to try out a different hearing aid for a store walkaround (and I did not think to get a copy of my audiogram for posting here, another sigh). I’m a classic age related case - small loss at lower frequencies, rolling off to about -90 db, word recognition at about 80% when listening in both ears.

So I also now know something about the Rexton BiCore; it’s been established here as identical to the Signia AX. There are some threads here on the Signia AX that are helpful. (I’ve found hardly any on the Rexton, so I’m presuming that it’s likely #3 out of 3 in popularity in Costco sales.). What has piqued my interest w/Rexton is the dual sound processors that are claimed to open the sound environment and have great speech in sound. Dr. Cliff has a video that’s high on the Signia AX. And here are a couple of videos from Signia that fairly blew me away, assuming that they haven’t been doctored or otherwise “optimized”:

What I dislike about the KS10 is that it’s not real open at all times to all sounds. I’m working through the new adjustments and hope for improvement on this. My second dislike is that the KS10 doesn’t help me enough in tough speech in sound environments (although it’s probably good versus many other brands). I have a Roger Select that solves this problem but I don’t routinely carry it with me so it’s normally not where I want it when I want it. (I also have had the charging problem somewhat, but a reset helped.)

I want open landscape as much as possible and I want best speech in noise w/o aux device. These are my priorities.

I found a non-busy Costco and I now have an appointment for next week. I’d like to get ideas from people who have compared the most recent Philips and Rexton.

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