Paul McCartney has hearing aid difficulties too

Most of us have seen the movie and I still say that if you’ve never experienced something than it’s hard to say you prefer one sense over a other. The time that this happened is pretty much irrelevant. And good for Chuck Norris. Now he needs to see the wizard for a brain. I’m not lecturing or saying the woman is wrong. I’m just saying that if you’re asked whether you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream better, how can you say if you’ve never experienced either.

Wow. That is a powerful observation to share. Very well put.

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Again. And for the last time. I promise. How does she know that when she has never experienced either

She might have experienced visual and auditory sensations anyway. Some blind people see flashes, and some deaf people have tinnitus. So she may have known what she was missing, to a degree.

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Kinda like saying if a person was born missing both legs and arms, that person wouldn’t be able to prefer one over the other?

Arms and legs can be seen and evaluated for their advantages. Hearing and sight can’t be evaluated by someone who has neither and has no experience what so ever regarding either. And we can only guess at what she may have experienced. My point being that to those of us that have experienced both most of us would say that sight is more essential. In my case I am practically deaf without my aids. But I can get up and lead a pretty normal life. All bets are off if I’m blind. And yes there are blind people out there but their experience is drastically different

Please abide by your last time promise and stop this conjecturing. Her perception was what it was and this continued discussion is less than useless.

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Fine. Moving on. Remember she said she would choose hearing. Oh and Paul McCartney is like 80 years old. Who doesn’t need hearing aids.