Overnight hearing loss

I had an ENT appointment yesterday Wednesday , because I had an infection. I was deaf Tuesday and Wednesday, until the doctor sucked what he said was water from my right ear. I have no idea why there should be water in my ear, or why it did not drain out in the night.

After the suction, the gain of the right aid had increased to a level which was far too loud, and I had to reduce the aid volume by about eight DB.

I was told the infection had gone, but not to wear my aids until the next appointment in two to three weeks. This is a very big ask. My wife is disabled, and has falls. I also need to communicate with her about meals, shopping and other things. So it would be impossible.

I agreed to leave them out most of the day, if I can manage,

This morning, I put the aids in, and the right ear has lost all the gain it had yesterday. I have had to increase the aid gain by eight DB to hear reasonably. I have no idea if this will improve during the day, and I can’t do anything to help it.

I cannot find out what is happening, and if anyone can offer any explanation, I will be very grateful.

Thank you.

Assuming your ENT will be reachable by phone today I would call him immediately and ask for advice. Maybe he/ she has to see you today again to solve this problem for you. Or give you advice without seeing you…


@JohnD2 , first of all, are you sure that it is your hearing that is changing? Or could it be a problem with your HA? Assuming it’s your actual hearing, I would advise you to visit your ENT’s office right now, or as soon as they open. Don’t call and leave a message with the staff, as you might not get a return call until after the weekend.

When there is sudden hearing loss, sometimes a course of Medrol or Prednisone will bring back the lost hearing and keep it from becoming permanent. But it has to be started very soon after the hearing loss begins. A day or two matters greatly in this instance.

Beg and plead to see your ENT that very day, even if they are booked up. Ask your ENT if he/she would recommend a course of Medrol or Prednisone, considering your sudden hearing loss. If so, get the prescription, fill it immediately, and start the medication immediately. Good luck.

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Hi ziploc and Emile Helibron.

Thanks for your replies.

Yesterday. I used a rubber bulb to suck the block age from my ear. It took several tries but eventually I must have moved something. I don’t know what it was, asI am told I do not have ear wax. The result was not that good, as my hearing was still very distorted.

Last night I made sure I went to sleep on my right side. This morning I am hearing a lot better.
So whatever was blocking my ear, has now hopefully gone.

This is slightly off-topic, but a QIMIC Otoscope (~30 USD) is quite good to check yourself if your eardrum or hearing canal is obstructed. As generally known, be very careful not touching your eardum with anything you stick into your ears.

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Hi robHooft.

Thanks for replying.

I bought one like that from Amazon, but it was 4mm diam and too big to go in my ear.

So I ordered one from Wowcher in March, and have never seen it.

It would have to 3mm diam to be a comfortable fit, but not many tell you the diam of

the camera.

Hi John.

My Qimic thingy (which looks the same as your Wowcher) has indeed a 4 mm diameter (I unscrewed the useless scraping device). I am a bit surprised this is too wide to fit in your external ear- the ear canal is 7 mm wide, says Wikipedia (Ear canal - Wikipedia). Perhaps yours is different?

Hi RobHooft.

Thanks for your reply.

I think I must have very small ear canalls.

I would need an otoscope 3mm Diam to be comfortable.

But at the moment, I don’t want to put anything in my ears,

that could result in an infection.

Have you got any noises in your ears when swallowing or that are different to normal? Just wondering if your Eustachian tube has got blocked. There is otovent, a balloon you blow up with your nose or antihistamine which can help dry up excess fluid. However don’t do anything without the advice of a trained medical professional. Ears are very delicate. Hopefully as you are now infection free it will settle down for you.

Hi tinkyp.

I don’t have any of those things. Except tinnitus which I have learned to live with.
I have now had three days of good hearing, so perhaps at last whatever was causing the problem has gone.

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I had a hospital appointment two week ago, and the infection has cleared in both ears at last.

Although my right ear is hearing very well, my left ear was not working.

So last Monday, I ordered an otoscope from Amazon, to see if there was anything in that ear.

Tuesday evening, after seven months of silence my left ear suddenly began to work, and has continued to perform very well.

This makes quite a difference listening to the TV via the loop.

So I havn’t used the otoscope, one ting is because it will not connect to my phone via the app.

And also I don’t want to put anything in my ear, just in case I start another infection.

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